Allister MacLeod

Allister has been dabbling with computers ever since he was a wee lad (in, you guessed it, the mid 1980's) and he's been writing programs for them since the late 80's. Allister also enjoys learning programming languages. The first language he learned was VIC-20 BASIC, and his repertoire now includes GWBasic, C, Lisp, SmallTalk and Python. More recently, Allisterhas become a great fan of open-source software, particularly Linux and the GNU Project. He believes that open source programs tend to be better-written than their proprietary counterparts. He also feels that the sense of freedom in the open source community greatly appeals to his lackadaisical hippie sentimentalities.

Ian Wells

Ian is a 20 year-old living in a basement apartment in Maine. This is his first major foray into the game developing world, though he has been an avid gamer for most of his life. He started the website About Milk in early 2001 and enjoyed success, posting over 60 stories and generating a modest reader-base before deciding to shut down the site in 2002, when he moved to his current residence. His time is largely spent reading, writing, drawing, beating on drums, or scraping together enough money for the latest video game.