MUSIK MEYER - Key Persons

Alexander Reiners

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Alina Al-Masri

Job Titles:
  • Sales

Aljoscha Czucha - VP of Sales

Job Titles:
  • Head of Sales

Andreas Hamel

Job Titles:
  • Brand Communication

Annika Hornemann

Job Titles:
  • Sales

Brand Unit

Job Titles:
The brand unit director is responsible for all sales and marketing activities of the brand unit.

Carsten Eckardt

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Christian Max

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Daniel Flynn

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Elisabeth Meyer

Job Titles:
MUSIK MEYER has been a permanent fixture in the global music instruments industry for over seven decades. The MUSIK MEYER name is a globally established brand and is synonymous with reliability, partnership and progress. The current executive management is continuing on this path and taking on the challenges faced by all players in the music instruments industry without losing sight of the historic strengths achieved over the past seven decades. As is the case for many of the brands we represent, successfully uniting tradition with innovation remains our core focus at MUSIK MEYER.

Frank Sackewitz

Job Titles:
  • Sales

Frank Sawusch

Job Titles:
  • Brand Unit Director

Ghezai Tsehaie Habte

Job Titles:
  • Sales

Heiko Evers

Job Titles:
  • Brand Communication

Holger Nau

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Janis Große-Kubick

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Jörg Pfob - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer

Karin Ortwein

Job Titles:
  • Head of Logistics

Kerstin Pfeiffer

Job Titles:
  • Head of Sales & Marketing

Maciej Boryczko

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative / Poland

Manfred Bengfort

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Marc Laukel

Job Titles:
  • Brand Unit Director

Marco Rauch - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director

Mario Meinel

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Maristela Nogueira

Job Titles:
  • Sales

Markus Ohlen

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Martin Bengfort

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Martin Glup

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Martin Herrmann

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Martin Heß

Job Titles:
  • Head of Return and Technical Services

Martin Linne

Job Titles:
  • Head of Administration

Marvin Grau

Job Titles:
  • Sales

Matthias Meyer - President

Job Titles:
  • Head
  • President
Matthias Meyer first joined our family company in 1971. Marking the 4th generation in the family company dedicated to music instruments, he recognized the signs of the times and continuously expanded the services offered by MUSIK MEYER. Matthias Meyer has run the company on behalf of the family with the support of his wife, Elisabeth, since 1980. Values such as a sound business strategy, reliability and an ambitious mindset based on partnership have always played a key role. That focus was and remains the guarantee for the successful market positioning of brands distributed by MUSIK MEYER.

Michael Baader

Job Titles:
  • Brand Unit Director

Michael Fabian

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Michael Freiberger

Job Titles:
  • Head of Brand Management

Michael Hennighausen

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Michelle Hill

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Brand Manager

Nina Prause

Job Titles:
  • Sales Coordinator

Pavel Ruzicka

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Peter Incze

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Piotr Wicik

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative / Poland

Ralph Vogler

Job Titles:
  • Brand Unit Director

Ramon Hobert

Job Titles:
  • Head of Sales & Marketing

Sascha Erber

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director

Sascha Heuer

Job Titles:
  • Brand Communication

Sieglinde Sauer

Job Titles:
  • Sales & Marketing

Stefan Schleicher

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Stefan Wukowitsch

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Susanne Peters

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director

Tamas Fekete

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative

Thomas Braun - CIO

Job Titles:
  • Head of IT

Thomas Türling

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager

Tim Hellwig

Job Titles:
  • Sales


VIC FIRTH is a global leading manufacturer of drumsticks and mallets. Founded in 1963 by Everett ‘Vic' Firth, the renowned Principal Timpanist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the company is known as a manufacturer of top-quality drumsticks in the music industry.

Wolfgang Hoffmann

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director