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NJTechWeekly.com was awarded the Advocate award at the NJ Tech Council Awards Gala in November of 2016!...
E. Surden Associates LLC is the publisher of New Jersey Tech Weekly, a website at NJTechWeekly.com dedicated to covering technology topics in NJ. The mission of the website is to bring together the disparate segments of the technology industry in N.J. in the hope that synergies can be realized and more business can be done in the Garden State...
During the late 70s and early 80s, Esther worked for the Institute for Scientific Information, run by Eugene Garfield, a pioneer in information technology who invented a unique method of citation searching. She never left her roots, however, and continuing to freelance for companies and newspapers in the computer industry. During this time Esther wrote numerous pieces for Data General, Digital Equipment, and Hewlett-Packard and freelanced widely.