NOLA - Key Persons

Agneta Stake

Job Titles:
  • Design Management

Anders Fredborg - VP of Sales

Job Titles:
  • Head of Sales

Anders Åkesson

Job Titles:
  • Industrial Design & Product Development

Anna Stake

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager South Sweden

Dajana Kasalica

Job Titles:
  • Export Manager & Quotation

Henrik Edlund - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO

Jessica Almers

Job Titles:
  • Head of Order and Supply Chain

Joachim Henriksson

Job Titles:
  • Industrial Design & Product Development

Johanna Granelli

Job Titles:
  • Inside Sales, Projects & Quotes

Kasper Soila

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager Stockholm & Central Sweden

Lars Olsson

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager West & North Sweden / Norway

Malin Moreau

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
  • Project Developer

Martin Hansson

Nola Stockholm

Job Titles:
  • Head Office / Technical Support / Press

Odin Sollie

Job Titles:
  • Industrial Design & Product Development

Peter Brandt

Job Titles:
  • Designer
Peter Brandt is a designer and interior architect living in Stockholm. Educated at Kungliga Konsthögskolan, the Konstfack University College of Arts in Stockholm, Crafts and Design, and Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole in Cophenhagen. He has received several awards over the years as Excellent Swedish Design and is represented at the Nationalmuseum.

Ragnar Österlund

Sandra Larsson

Sara Hagelthorn

Sara Holst

Torben Gundsø

Job Titles:
  • Head of Sales - Denmark

Ulf Hansson

Job Titles:
  • Industrial Design & Product Development

Åsa Ingers