Dr. Todd O'Brien

Dr. O'Brien graduated from Bates College with a BS in biology. He then attended the Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine and graduated summa cum laude with a DPM degree. After completing a podiatric surgical residency at VAMC Palo Alto and Stanford, Dr. O'Brien was employed at a small biomedical start-up based in San Jose, CA. He served in a variety of roles there including product developer, project manager, technical writer and sales presenter. He eventually returned to the full-time practice of podiatry until founding startups, O'Brien Medical and ScanDx. He has since divided his time between running a podiatry practice and developing medical products. He has successfully licensed multiple surgical products and holds six issued patents. Writing credits include peer-reviewed medical articles, a chapter on foot surgery and a book on entrepreneurship for inventors. Ongoing research interests focus on diabetic neuropathy and its connection to microvascular disease. He currently collaborates with scientists at the University of Maine on a NASA-funded grant evaluating the effect of reduced gravity on microcirculation. His startup, ScanDx, is actively developing sound-based, diagnostic instrumentation to identify bone fractures and osteoporosis without the use of x-rays.