Herland Von Sneider

Herland Von Sneider, a hunter, a long tour operator, having a world-renowned career as a pioneer in the hunt for the dove in Colombia, worked in Paraguay for several years. Von Sneider, together with the person who would inherit his skills and knowledge, José Luis Vidal, known as Mozo, began operations in Bolivia in 1998 in search for the best blinds and places according to the requirements of experienced hunters. Mozo dedicated his efforts to the exploration and observation of the habitat of the pigeon, a large intelligent pigeon, whose long migrations around the Chaco region (more than 20 million hectares of almost desert-like fields) and unique behavior make it a prime target for hunters. The search culminated with the location of Pigeon-Palace Lodge in the center of one of the highest concentrations of the pigeon in the world: the Bolivian Chiquitanía where excellent hunting fields, amazing natural scenery, and the mystery of traditional legends combine to make a unique human environment.