Updated 44 days ago
1812 Spruce Street, Apt no. 3R, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA
We provide top rated project management training across various PM related topics. Over 500 companies from leading private, public and government sector have opted for our flagship course Totality of Project Management (TPM)...
We also prepare persons for the different project management certifications offered by the International Institute of Projects & Program Management (I2P2M) - a not for profit company involved deeply in Executive Diploma in PM in association with the leading George Washington University School of Business, Washington D.C., USA since 2011 and in administering nine PM certifications...
Centre for Excellence in Project Management Pvt. Ltd. (CEPM) is a leading project management Training and Consulting company. Our core competence is project management and we provide widely used, top-rated project management training covering general project management concepts and project management certifications.
Also known as: PM GURU Inc., pmguruonline
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