POPCUTS - Key Persons

Hannes Hesse - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Hannes is in love with electronic music and seeks to combine his professional and musical aspirations whenever possible. He has degrees in Applied Computer Science from FHTW Berlin and in Information Management from UC Berkeley. One of his most recent side projects is the Bubblegum Sequencer.

Kevin Mateo Lim

Kevin is a native Californian whose passion for music discovery began as a music journalist in college. Several of his friends (Geoff, Shawn, Lilly, Rebecca, and Brian) started sparking him to try music that was off the beaten path, and soon, he spent most of his free time on mp3 blogs and going to shows. Kevin is a Computer Science grad from Stanford and a School of Information grad from UC Berkeley. He is very happy to have found a calling that has him constantly discovering new music and meeting people who just want to do the same.

Yiming Liu

Raised in the hills of east Tennessee, Yiming will be the first to admit that he has no taste in music. Luckily, he's helping to build a website where he can find good music and people who can help. Yiming trained in the marvelous world of computer science at Northwestern University, and is also a recent iSchool grad from UC Berkeley. Other favorite pursuits in his (rapidly dwindling) spare time: sleeping, reading, hacking, and compiling software from source.