Jeremy P. Cheyne

Job Titles:
Mr. Cheyne is a former oil and gas executive that successfully founded, managed and divested a number of exploration and production related organizations over his professional career. Throughout his oil and gas tenure, Mr. Cheyne managed organizations that completed over $110 million in acquisitions and divestments. These include the corporate sales of Titan Energy Inc. in 2008, Standard Resources Inc. in 2012 ($36.5 million), and West Oilfield Holdings Ltd. in 2015. His experiences have afforded him a diverse skill and knowledge base that includes, but is not limited to, corporate finance, securities, mergers and acquisitions, operations and strategic planning. With a diverse global network and a keen ability to focus on growth and strategy, Mr. Cheyne is able to consistently implement our clients' core business objectives in order to enhance the extrapolation of stakeholder value.