Amit Sinha - President

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • President
Amit's passion for working with the poor and underprivileged was instilled early in his life, when as a college student he volunteered as a science teacher at a school for marginalized children (Calcutta Emmanuel School). That immensely rewarding experience, and a love for his native city, Kolkata, India, inspired him to form an organization that would make a difference. Amit founded Prana International after a visit to Kolkata in 2006. "I had just come out of an expensive store and gotten into an air conditioned vehicle when I was confronted by a woman who was begging while desperately trying to shade the hot sun from her one year old baby's face. Instinctively I reached for my wallet but realized I had to do more than just give the woman a few rupees. I had to create lasting change. I had been fascinated by Professors Yunus's Grameen Bank for many years. I began to think about the Grameen model. The idea to conceive Prana was born on the flight back home." Amit has been working in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry for almost 20 years and holds a BS in Biology and an MBA. Amit is currently the CEO of GenOssis, an orthopedic implant company that designs and commercializes products for the surgical treatment of fractures.

Anand Balasubramanian

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Secretary
Anand has been working in the orthopedic and spinal implant industry for more than 15 years. He was a Country Manager in India for two multinational firms before he moved to the United States in 2010. Anand has been increasingly sensitized to the minutely small percentage among India's vast population that can afford health care and basic necessities, and the ever widening divide between the haves and the have-nots. Through his work, he witnessed firsthand the socio-economic challenges people face in in South/ South East Asia such as not having access to food, shelter or affordable healthcare. Anand's goal is to work with Prana and to help begin a project in Southern India. Anand holds a bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering.

Rajat Kapur - Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Treasurer
Rajat ("Raj") Kapur is a marketing professional with over 12 years of experience working in marketing, sales, and strategy development at blue chip companies. He is currently a marketing consultant at the EMM Group, a boutique firm focused on helping companies grow by harnessing the power of marketing. Born in India but raised in the US, he had a chance meeting with Prana and volunteered to support Prana's social media campaign. He joined the board in 2014. Rajat particularly loves Prana's focus on using entrepreneurship (enabled by microcredit) as the vehicle to help the disadvantaged, particularly women, turn their lives around. He lives in the Philadelphia area with his wife, Melissa, their three sons, and their border collie, Oscar.

Tammy Wang - VP

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Vice President
  • Chief Operating Officer of EndPoverty.Org
Tammy is Chief Operating Officer of, a non-profit that works with microenterprise organizations in the developing world to empower individuals and families to lift themselves out of poverty. Tammy also founded EdGE Global Partners, an organizational development and social responsibility consultancy striving to grow peoples' awareness of the poverty and injustices in our world. Her interest in injustice grew during her years at Columbia University where she studied Political Science; was involved in youth development and engagement in global affairs at the United Nations; and started an international education project that was commended by the Cable and Wireless Childnet International Awards and nominated for the Stockholm Challenge Award. After her university years, she continued to give what time she could to grow various non-profits while working at Lincoln Financial Group where she gained invaluable experience in business strategy, marketing, and innovation. Tammy is from Princeton, NJ, and currently resides in Philadelphia, PA. She is a Smile Train Scholar and a StartingBloc Fellow, and serves on the diaconate of her church. In her spare time, you will find her running around soccer fields coaching youth soccer.