Robbie Ann Darby

Robbie Ann Darby is a "Texas born/California raised" actress and dancer turned fitness expert. With over 10 years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry, she has had the opportunity to teach and train all over the Southwest and Northeast. She has dubbed her business RAD Experience, and with good reason. An instant presence in any room she enters, Robbie is effortlessly charming, completely hilarious, and wholly engaging. She owns the room. Spend a bit of time with her, though, and you will quickly learn she also is enviably driven, whip-smart, and incredibly inspiring. Robbie's wellness career started early: in high school, she was approached by her phys-ed teacher to lead fitness classes for her peers. Inspired to use this innate skill to build a career in wellness, she went on to study for her certifications, and led classes while pursuing a degree in acting. But while she relentlessly chased her goals, a life-threatening addiction challenged her success. In eighth grade, the stress of being an athlete, coupled with teenage peer pressure, led Robbie to extreme dieting. That diet rapidly descended into a serious eating disorder, which she battled for 14 years. "The process of fighting this disorder was painful, shameful and complicated," Robbie recalls. "However, when I decided to merge my acting and fitness talents I realized that if I wanted to share my story with the world I needed to first rewrite it. I committed to getting well - both for me and for all those who may be battling body image issues." Robbie's ultimate goal however is to pay her success and happiness forward. Through her writing, videos, and fitness events, she aims to inspire others to be bold, take risks and turn their own lives into one incredible RAD Experience.