REDSPARK - Key Persons

Angela Murray

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Manager
  • Client Services Manager
  • Market Research Manager for the Ritz - Carlton Hotel Company
Angela has more than 15 years' experience helping companies stand out through all kinds of visual material. Her former clients include Mobil Oil, Amtrak, the University of California and the United States Army. As Market Research Manager for the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Angela developed strategies for growing market share and ensuring profitable growth.

Bruce MacQueen

Job Titles:
  • Financial Adviser
Bruce MacQueen is a financial adviser/insurance broker who is part of the Quantum Brokers Group. His clients come to him because they connect and form a relationship with Bruce personally. He decided to build a brand around his name. We started with an indepth interview with many questions about the brand values. Bruce take a unique approach in that he tailors a solution for his clients after looking at their challenges from different angles. This was the inspiration for the logo design. We also designed stationery, newsletter and a calendar for Bruce MacQueen.

Bruce McQueen

Job Titles:
  • Industry / Finance - Advisor

Ross Murray

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
Before returning to New Zealand in 2006 and starting RedSpark Creative, Ross was Senior Art Director with Townsend Inc. in San Diego. To this day, Ross still does work for US-based clients. Ross has also worked for leading design firms and advertising agencies in Auckland, London and Washington, D.C. While in San Diego, he studied product management, branding and positioning at the University of California. Ross was the top student in his class, achieving the highest grade ever in the 20-year history of that class. Besides being one heck of a creative director, Ross is a family man who loves action and water sports.