Updated 3 days ago
1501 Broadway, 12 Floor Times Square New York, New York 10036
RazorEdgeResumes is a full service executive resume writing firm providing the highest level of value-added service, expertise, coaching, guidance and support a senior manager would expect. We are able to analyze your situation and background, define an effective strategy and develop a full range of job search, branding and marketing collateral to ensure the highest penetration and success... RazorEdgeResumes is the executive resume writing division of A Better Resume Service combining more than 25 years of experience supporting a vast list of senior executive clientele in domestic and global corporations. Combined, our writers have supported clients to generate in excess of $1 billion in employment offers... At RazorEdgeResumes, we understand your time constraints, and we have been providing thousands of senior leaders in global corporations, local, state and federal government and non-profit organizations with the marketing materials they need to further their career for more than..
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