Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer

Jason Campbell

Job Titles:
  • Services Director
Jason Campbell are brothers and the co-founders of Red Carpet Web Promotion, Inc. which they launched in June 2001. Jason Campbell's interest in web design, search engine optimization and social network applications grew out of his studies at Concordia University in Communications Studies. Jason had an interest in the Internet throughout his studies and afterwards began working with his brother Shawn to develop search engine optimization strategies in the early stages of an emerging SEO industry. Jason enjoys meeting with clients and developing creative ways to promote websites. He works in both English and French languages and also speaks Spanish. Jason, his wife and two kids live in Sutton Qc. They travel as a family and recently spent the winter in Costa Rica. It is a great travel opportunity to work in Internet technology since one can work from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection! When not at work most of Jason's time is spent with his kids. Other interests include guitar and birding. See

Kathleen Cheong Guilbert

Job Titles:
  • Marketing & Communications Specialist

Maulik Patel

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer

Ray Geronimo

Job Titles:
  • Digital Marketing Analyst

Shawn Campbell

Job Titles:
  • Digital Marketing Director
Shawn Campbell became interested in Internet marketing in 1997, when his web development clients asked him to bring in more traffic to their sites. His strategies were successful enough for him to leave his career in teaching to start up Red Carpet Web Promotion with Jason. He currently designs and implements Internet marketing strategies for clients, and also works in-house managing search engine optimization, social marketing, and PPC campaigns. Shawn spends his "off time" practicing Tai Chi, playing hockey, gaming, and spending time with his family. He travels often to take advantage of the opportunities to work from other countries. He is perfectly bilingual in French and English, and also speaks Japanese, a little Spanish and German.

Wendy Boulay

Job Titles:
  • Digital Advertising Coordinator