Colin Rowan

Rowan Communication, Inc. is a strategic communication firm in Austin, Texas. We help non-profits and other good causes design, execute and evaluate campaigns and outreach plans that hit their targets and make an impact. Colin Rowan has managed strategic communication campaigns for political, corporate and nonprofit clients for more than 20 years. Colin's greatest strengths are designing strategic communication campaigns, crafting messages and preparing organizations and their experts for communication opportunities. He conducts seminars on media training, presentation coaching, message development, marketing for non-profits, storytelling and branding. He has been quoted or has placed stories and OpEds in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, on PBS NewsHour, NPR, NBC Nightly News and ABC World News Tonight, as well as most major and mid-market Texas media outlets. He has helped position businesses and non-profits as leaders in their field and has overseen communication campaigns ranging from small, community-focused efforts to million-dollar national launches. In the private sector, he led the e-commerce and technology practice at TateAustin Public Relations (now Hahn Public Communication) as vice president during the dot-com craze and was a partner at I&O Communications. And he's managed the communication strategy for mayoral and congressional campaigns. He joined Environmental Defense Fund in 2002 and directed the organization's communication work in Texas until 2003, when he moved to Washington, DC to run the national communication office. But it was cold there. Very, very cold. So he returned to the warmer confines of the Austin office where he resumed his work in Texas. In 2006, he led EDF's communication campaign against TXU's proposed coal plants in Texas, which culminated in a landmark environmental agreement between the organization and TXU's prospective buyers. In 2006 he was selected by The Climate Project to train 1,000 citizen activists to present Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" global warming slideshow in their communities. In addition to conducting the training, he presented the slideshow in venues across Central Texas. Since 2008, he has managed communication for Pecan Street Inc., a groundbreaking energy research organization in Austin, and was the lead author of the group's published report of recommendations. Colin Rowan has been in the front seat of LifeWorks' communication efforts since 1998. He built the foundation of our brand and has worked with us continuously through growth and diversification. Not only is he a great strategy and messaging consultant, but he has worked with every level of volunteer and staff leadership to ensure that communication of our message is a part of our everyday culture. He knows the nonprofit sector, he knows the media, and he truly understands communication as a business and an art form.

Isaac Barchas

Job Titles:
  • CEO, Research Bridge Partners, Former Director, Austin Technology Incubator, University of Texas
We didn't need to reinvent ourselves, we needed to rediscover ourselves. Colin helped us articulate what we do and, more importantly, why we do it. He understands that brands are built on values, and he knows how to make them shine.

Jim Marston

Colin does a great job crafting simple, clear messages…which is usually a problem for innovators. He can cut to the heart of an issue, crystallize a compelling argument, and get results.

Susan McDowell

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director, LifeWorks
Colin is a rare blend of strategist, writer and campaign manager that always keeps his eyes on the prize. In addition, he brings humor and wit to his projects that makes his work truly memorable. He has been immensely helpful to me and my staff in developing messages that promote our mission and communication tools and tactics that make a difference.