RIFFE LAW FIRM - Key Persons

Christopher L. George

I earned a degree in Chemical Engineering from Auburn University in 1981. I worked as a chemical engineer until 1990, most of that time being with Chevron. I then decided to attend law school. After earning my law degree and returning to Mobile, Alabama, I worked as a litigator for several established, successful law firms. My focus at these firms was primarily defending a wide variety of civil cases. In September of 2016, I decided to start my own law firm. One of the reasons I decided to start my own firm was to put myself in a position to defend the so-called "little guy;" such as consumers who find themselves in a dispute with a large company. To fight for David against Goliath, if you will. I can honestly say that it is one of the best decisions I have ever made as I find it particularly fulfilling to help individual consumers take on and win against companies which they might have no chance of defeating without solid legal representation. If you believe you are stuck driving a lemon, please contact us for a free evaluation and give us the opportunity to fight for you.

G. Brad Riffe

Mr. Riffe received his license to practice law in the State of Ohio in 2001 and in Texas in 2008. Having worked for a national lemon law firm for more than five years, Mr. Riffe has the experience that comes from successfully representing thousands of consumers who have purchased defective products. He has obtained recoveries for his clients including full refunds, vehicle swaps, and cash settlements. He has dedicated his practice exclusively to protecting consumers since 2005. In addition to being admitted to all Texas courts, Mr. Riffe is also licensed in the following federal courts: Northern District of Texas, Southern District of Texas, Eastern District of Texas, and Western District of Texas. He received a BA in Microbiology from the University of Texas at Austin, a MS in Biology from the University of Texas at San Antonio, and his JD from the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in Cleveland, OH. Mr. Riffe is also a member of the Frisco Bar Association.