Alan Brooks

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
Alan has lived on Cobscook Bay since 1980. He co-founded the Quoddy Regional Land Trust (now Downeast Coastal Conservancy) in 1987 and brings to MRC his long engagement in environmental and conservation concerns and experience in nonprofit development and management.

Carl Ross

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • President of the Board of Directors
  • Retired Electrician, Is a Lifelong Resident of Calais, ME. Carl Also Serves on the Board of the Friends of Devil 's Head Park on the St Croix River, Passamaquoddy Bay
Carl Ross, a retired electrician, is a lifelong resident of Calais, ME. Carl also serves on the board of the Friends of Devil's Head park on the St Croix River, Passamaquoddy Bay.

Dr. Ken Ross

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
Ken is a resident of Machias, ME and grew up in Calais and Pembroke. A retired professor of political science and Air Force veteran, Ken has lived in Alaska and written about environmental conflict there.

Dr. Robin Hadlock Seeley - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Executive Director
  • Member of the Board
  • Senior Scientist
  • Our Co - Founder
Our co-founder, Dr. Robin Hadlock Seeley, was awarded grants from Toyota/National Audubon and the Eastern Maine Conservation Initiative for documentary films on the importance of rockweed habitat to the marine ecosystem commercial fisheries, wild fisheries and wildlife. Our film about Maine rockweed was chosen for international showings as part of the Beneath the Waves Film Festival. Watch our short film, Maine's Rockweed Forest, and see other films we've made! Robin is a co-founder of the Maine Rockweed Coalition and a certified Senior Ecologist (Ecological Society of America). She lives on Cobscook Bay and is an eighth generation Mainer who grew up in Freeport.