ROSS-TECH - Key Persons

Andy Smith

Andy Smith heads up our Technical Support Team. He also assists with product testing, trade shows, and keeping the website up to date. Andy became our first full-time employee in 2002. Andy has degrees in mechanical engineering and business administration. Andy went from a MQB gasser to an MQB plugin hybrid to an MEB "Quitter Edition" and now drives an ID.Gas ... he also drives an inverted porcupine.

Bruce Ruhf

Bruce Ruhf is our operations and marketing manager. Bruce has extensive experience managing a small business as well as a background in Electrical/Electronic Engineering. Bruce and Uwe have worked together at two other companies in the past, a very large one the the 1980s, and a very small one in the 1990s. Bruce joined Ross-Tech in 2004 after selling his previous business.

Dana Smetanick

Job Titles:
  • Tech Support Specialist
Dana Smetanick is a tech support specialist and assists with product testing as well as documenting procedures in the Wiki and creating label files. Dana has been a VW enthusiast since she was in her teens and spent 6 years as a VW dealer technician prior to joining Ross-Tech in 2009. Dana has electrified everything and runs her e-golf, e-tron 55 and ID.4 on solar power.

Eric Maurier

Eric Maurier is our senior engineer/programmer now. He first came to work for us as an intern while he was a student at the ENSAM University in France in 2002. After Eric wrote VC-Scope and TDI-Graph, we knew we had to find a way to bring him on board for real, and he's been with us full-time since he graduated in 2005. Eric is also in charge of distribution in French-speaking markets. When they need to get away from it all for a while, Eric and Uwe like to go for long rides on their motorcycles.

Jef Damewood

Job Titles:
  • Tech Support and Sales Specialist
Jef Damewood is a tech support and sales specialist. Jef has been a VW enthusiast for as long as anyone can remember, and was a dealer technician for the better part of 10 years. Jef has helped us with sales at at various shows like Waterfest and AAPEX for many years, and finally came to work for us for real in 2010. Yes, his name really only has one 'f' in it; we're told his parents couldn't afford the second 'f'.Jef and DrWife have 3 tuned VWs in their fleet now, 2019 go fast Alltrack with 3rd pedal, 2018 go faster Golf R with 2 pedals, and a 2004 go gets pinball machines TDI Jetta wagon.

Linda Ross

Linda Ross handles activations and pays the bills. Linda and Uwe have been together since they met at the University of Pennsylvania in 1979, where Linda majored in Decision Sciences at the Wharton school. She quit a lucrative consulting career, which included a lengthy stint at one of the big international accounting firms, to start working for the business full-time in 2001.

Mike Ross

Mike Ross has worked in our order fulfillment department since 2016. Mike drives a '06 A3 2.0T 6MT.

Olga Racek

Olga Racek is our Russian Translator and Russian language distribution coordinator. Olga will also be found assisting with Sales inquiries and trade fairs. Olga is a native of the Ukraine and speaks a number of eastern-European languages, but has lived here in Pennsylvania for quite some time. Olga joined the company in 2011. Olga drives a 2020 Tiguan.

Peter Schumacher

Job Titles:
  • Tech Support Specialist
Peter Schumacher is a tech support specialist. He has over 20 years of experience as a VW and Audi technician, both at dealerships and at independent shops including his own. Peter joined Ross-Tech in 2012. He drives his trusty 1996 GTI VR6 while maintaining his wife's Jetta GLX. Ask him about the Coast Guard!

Sage Vega

Sage Vega (3rd Son of the House of Vega, First of his name, Keeper of Single Actions) started in our order fulfillment department in 2011 and is now a software engineer for Ross-Tech. After running his brother Santos' Mk4 Jetta into the ground, Sage now drives a 2019 GLI 6MT.

Santos Vega

Santos Vega handles most of the telephone sales inquiries, assists tech support, is our graphics designer, our trade show planner, designer and coordinator, amongst many other functions. Santos has incredible interest in how VAG cars operate and is often involved in the testing of new ideas. Santos joined the company in 2004. He is a fast learner with a great attitude and has become a VW enthusiast by working here. Santos drives a 2019 Atlas VR6.

Sebastian Stange

Sebastian Stange is our applications guru. He first came to us in 2004 as an intern from the TU Dresden, and developed our Wiki in 2005.Since then, he has produced most of the content in the Wiki, as well as a majority of the label files included with VCDS. In addition, Sebastian helps with tradeshows and does product support, the latter primarily for the German-speaking market. Sebastian lives in Magdeburg, Germany, and is a past and present VW enthusiast, he currently has an ID.Buzz ... and a '67 Mustang ... somehow.

Shaun McElhinney

Job Titles:
  • Software Developer
Shaun McElhinney is a software developer and is currently working on VCDS-Mobile. Shaun first worked for us an an intern during the summer of 2010 and joined the company for real in 2011 after graduating from the University of Maryland. After the engine in his old Toyota died, he upgraded to an 2007 Audi A4 which got further upgraded to a 2017 A4.

Tom Newingham

Tom Newingham is our MIS, accounting, and logistics guy. Prior to joining Ross-Tech in 2006, Tom worked in MIS at a number of logistics companies. He also assists with show preparation and with special events. Tom has a 1985 Nissan 300ZX that doesn't talk to VCDS but that would win him points at Radwood.

Uwe Ross

Uwe Ross founded Ross-Tech in 1999 and remains the chief cook and bottle washer. Although he developed the original versions of VAG-COM himself, Uwe no longer does much programming, but continues to set direction for business with a focus on product development. Uwe was born in Freiburg, Germany. He attended the University of Pennsylvania majoring in Physics and Natural Sciences. He has been a VW enthusiast since 1982. You can find Uwe's ill-maintained personal web page here.

Yanping Sun

Yanping Sun is our operations engineer and database specialist. She developed the CRM system we use to keep track of orders, customer records, support requests, inventory, and just about everything else needed to run our business, and her data crunching skills have been invaluable in reducing the ODX data used by the latest cars to a manageable format. She banishes database bugs to the land of wind and ghosts. Yanping also manages distribution and marketing efforts for Chinese-speaking markets. Yanping is married to Eric and has been with us since 2006. Yanping has a Golf Alltrack with the correct number of pedals.