Carolina Aquino

Chris Rowe

Job Titles:
  • Customer Advocate & Sales, IIDA, CSI
Growing up in a household supported by glass and metal, Chris was never able to escape his destiny of becoming a glass geek himself. After a short stint in Korea, he came back stateside in 2013 and joined the Rowe Fenestration team as an outside sales arm, customer advocate, and architectural liaison. After work, Chris loves to travel and explore as much as time and money permit. He is an animal lover and an avid proponent that dogs and cats can live together in harmony under the same roof. Hiking, camping, reading, and woodworking have found a stronghold in what little free time he has left.

Kendal Rowe

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative, Southern California
  • Southern California Sales & Customer Advocate
Kendal has been hosting dinner parties since she was old enough to talk. The care and attention she applies to serving others makes her the consummate hostess. A foodie who makes everything from scratch, she takes care of people - feeding the heart and soul. With 15 years experience in project and budget management, Kendal honed her craft in the entertainment production industry. She has built and fostered relationships at all levels, and is well respected by her crew, peers, vendors, clients and executives alike. With attention to detail, a solid work ethic, and a get it done attitude, Kendal brings a level of professionalism that raises the bar. She joined Rowe Fenestration in 2018 as a Southern California sales representative and customer advocate, bringing with her a skill set that is universal yet rare. When she is not collaborating with our partners, you can find Kendal quenching her thirst for adventure - whether that's at the top of half dome or on the beaches of Bali.

Lindsey Parker - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Marketing & Communications
  • Marketing & Communications Director
  • Marketing Director
As the Marketing Director for Rowe Fenestration, Lindsey manages all marketing and communications initiatives. A former entertainment publicist, she relocated from Los Angeles to Virginia to work with Operation Smile, a dream come true. After 10 wonderful years in VA, she and her husband relocated with their growing family back to California. Lindsey also served as the Marketing Chair for the Sacramento Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC). "Whether you are new on the job, or an industry veteran - most of us have had a look around and noticed women make up a small percentage of the workforce in the construction industry. The numbers don't lie - and to be a small part of furthering the goals of both our Sacramento Chapter and the National Association of Women In Construction, makes me incredibly proud." She has managed Rowe Fenestration's brand since 2017. You can find her iterating digital first impressions from behind a HUGE cup of coffee.

Ryan Stephens

Job Titles:
  • Customer Advocate / Peerless Specialist

Scott Rowe

Job Titles:
  • Principal
  • Principal, Glass Geek
Scott is just an average guy with a good attitude. In 1970 he took a summer job in a glass factory in his hometown in Minnesota. A group of guys came into the factory - sun burned, wearing pink and purple madras shirts, penny loafers and no socks. Scott had to know "who are those guys?" "Those are the sales guys." "I wanna be that." Now as a 45 year veteran of the industry, Scott has touched all aspects of the glass business. He thrives on relationships and sharing big ideas. He is a high appreciator and a student of culinary and viniculture arts; husband to a wonderful woman and father to 6 exceptional children.