Bill Moss Jr.

Job Titles:
  • Artists

Johnny B Williams

Johnny was raised in the rural town of Jewett, Texas with strong Christian values and a fear of God. His mother and father raised him in church, where he started singing and playing music at an early age. As he grew older, he accepted Christ and continues to develop and strengthen his relationship with Him to this very day. Johnny went on to receive his bachelor's degree in theatre and later a master's in education administration. Johnny has been a public school teacher for over a decade. He has also worked in ministry for the same length of time and currently serves as the music director at Fallbrook Church in Houston, TX. Johnny has released two prior projects, The Way I Worship (2008) and Generation To Generation: Hymns To Pass On (2011). He has an upcoming project, Songs For The World To Sing, set to release in the near future. Johnny writes songs with significant lyrical content, strong melodies, a clear gospel message, and a vast appeal to many different types of music listeners. He has been lauded by his fans and peers alike for his vocal stylings and musicianship. Johnny cares deeply about the condition of humanity and wants to do his part to inspire and encourage people.