We are both members of the ‘Escape Committee Wargames Club' winners of various awards for excellent demo games at a lot of the UK shows... We strive to make the next model better than the last and to use the relevant material for the models parts making them easier to cast and also making them much stronger so gamers can be confidant they will last more than 5 mins on the gaming table... These models are made in resin and white metal, and although are aimed at wargamers they are highly detailed models in their own right and can be super detailed for display. We cover vehicles from pre WW2 right up to current in service vehicles in use in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our specialist area is the cold war with a lot of models for both NATO and Warpact forces and we hope to release more new models for this period during the next few Years. We also have an extensive range of older masters many of which will be remodeled and remoulded over the next few years. We also make a wide range of building..