Adam Baldwin

Job Titles:
  • Coach

Alex Maloney

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Coach
Alex has always wanted to work in the sports/medical/rehab world but didn't know what her direct calling would be with the vast array of options. She started playing soccer at the age 9 and through her first 3 years in college. After missing her senior season and back-to-back shoulder surgeries, Alex took a yearlong athletic training internship - which led her to the question, "How do we prevent injuries instead of waiting for one to happen?". That's when she found the world of strength and conditioning and obtained her NSCA CSCS certification in May 2023. Alex is also a Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC) and USA Weightlifting L1 Certified Coach. When she is not coaching, 90% of Alex's time is filled with her Great Dane Oreo - they love hiking, traveling and exploring dog friendly places in Seattle. The rest of her time is spent either in the gym, playing recreational soccer, or in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes.

Allie Dunham

Job Titles:
  • Sales & Member Experience Manager
As a once avid runner, completing 7 half-marathons in her early twenties, Allie found weightlifting after breaking her foot in a step-aerobics class. After 2 foot surgeries and almost 4 months on crutches, she learned how to weight lift to regain strength in her atrophied leg. She became a Certified Personal Trainer through ACE, and worked as a trainer at 24 Hour Fitness in 2014-2015. She then worked as a Weight Loss Coach for Seattle's 30/10 Weight Loss for Life, helping hundreds of clients lose weight, reduce blood pressure & diabetes medications, and overall live a healthier lifestyle. In 2020, she worked at Anytime Fitness and started her own Weight Loss Consulting business. Allie is incredibly passionate about helping others maintain a healthy balance of good foods, fun movement and positive mental health! Her overarching goal is to collide nutrition with fitness- because one is truly not beneficial without the other.

Britt Wiley

Job Titles:
  • Facility Lead, Registered Dietitian & Coach
Britt is an exercise enthusiast and nutrition junkie. Britt started her career working as a registered dietitian and quickly learned that adequate and balanced nutrition is made whole with routine exercise; the two go hand-in-hand. She also quickly learned that in order to function at her best capacity, she needed to start her day by exercising. Be it running, biking, or lifting, Britt makes daily movement a priority. She has completed several marathons and trail runs and one day hopes to finish a 100-miler. Britt is a NASM-certified personal trainer, a Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC), a Girls Gone Strong Women's Coaching Specialist (GGS-1), and a registered dietitian. She holds a Masters in public health and enjoys working with and for people. Britt finds joy in sharing her passion for nutrition and fitness with those around her. When not at the gym or in the clinic, you can find her logging miles all over the greater Seattle area, trying new recipes, and relaxing with her husband and their golden retriever, Sawyer.

Camaira Metz

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Coach
Born and raised in Seattle, Camaira grew up loving soccer, dancing, and always moving her body. When she was in high school, she started experiencing severe chronic pain in her back, shoulders, and neck. In 2019, she discovered strength training and the huge benefits that came along with it. Camaira found that not only did lifting heavy make her stronger both physically and mentally, but she wasn't in as much pain on a daily basis. This led her to wanting to help other people become stronger and feel better in their bodies. Camaira is now a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. When not coaching or weightlifting, Camaira is also a professional musician! You can find her around the greater Seattle area singing and playing the piano at various venues and bars. She also enjoys spending time with her friends and family, attending concerts, and going to way too many Mariners games.

Chris Travis

Job Titles:
  • Coach
  • Owner
Chris was active in his youth playing football and basketball, but digressed while in college at the University of Washington and post-college as he progressed in his corporate career in technology, where he spent close to a decade at Amazon. In 2013, he decided to focus on his health as a priority. At that point, he was letting the stress of his job take a toll on his body, nutrition, sleep, and overall health. Two events that year helped him shift his mindset to ensure his own health was a priority: 1) the upcoming birth of his daughter, and 2) a Spartan Race he completed with friends. His first step was to enter a gym, and thankfully, he found the original SSP in South Lake Union. In 2019, Chris became inspired by his own experience and passionate about how he can give back to others. He left Amazon to begin coaching full-time and opened SSP Queen Anne in August 2020. When he is not at the gym, you can find him running Spartan Races at longer and longer distances and hanging with his wife, 8 year old daughter and 11 year old pup, Molly! Chris holds the below education and certifications:

Diane Stephani

Job Titles:
  • Facility Lead & Coach

Grayson Busch

Job Titles:
  • Sales & Member Experience Assistant
Grayson is an athletics enthusiast with almost a decade of competitive sports coaching under his belt and a passion for building communities. He enjoys working with teams to promote leadership, accountability and positivity in any environment. Grayson believes that adding a fitness component to your world not only strengthens you physically but also mentally. When not at SSP assisting members, Grayson is coaching highschool rowing, out for a run, weightlifting or looking for his next rock concert.

Michelle Klaue

Job Titles:
  • Coach
  • Physical Therapist
Michelle is a practicing Physical Therapist who works full-time at Union Physical Therapy (part of the SSP trusted provider network!). She is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the NSCA, and a Certified Functional Strength Coach

Natalie Ribble

Job Titles:
  • Chief of Staff
  • Coach
Natalie fell in love with weight lifting in late college after realizing that there was more to fitness than just losing weight. Despite not being a very athletic kid, fitness has empowered Natalie to be able to climb mountains, hike through deserts, and tackle many of the amazing adventures life has to offer without fear. Since 2018 she has used her NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and ACSM Personal Training certifications to inspire others to reach their strongest and most powerful selves both in and out of the gym! She also holds a Masters degree in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology from the University of Florida and is a Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC). When not in the gym Natalie is spending her free time exploring the outdoors, trying new restaurants, and powerlifting!

Sam Holter

Job Titles:
  • Facility Lead & Coach
After an emergency surgery took her out of the one sport she loved, Sam struggled to find a form of movement that she truly enjoyed. Rehab from this surgery was also limited and left her walking with a limp and chronic pain for nearly a decade, since it would be considered a success if she could simply walk again. Any sport or form of exercise felt impossible. After moving to Seattle in 2021 she began working with a new health care team to address these concerns and slowly but surely developed strength and mobility, and with it, a new found love for strength training. In a few short months, she realized her limp had significantly decreased, she no longer woke up in pain, and her quality of life had improved dramatically. She wanted to learn how to help others experience what she had, so in 2021 she enrolled in the NASM CPT course. Sam is a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM and a Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC).

Taylor Bender

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Coach