SHG - Key Persons

Mr. Dessisa Kabeta

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Executive Director of Vision of Community Development Association
Mr. Dessisa Kabeta is the founder and Executive Director of Vision of Community Development Association (VoCDA). VoCDA is the founding member of CoSAP. Mr. Dessisa is serving as the member of CoSAP board since 2019 (re-elected). He holds BA degree with over thirty years of professional experience in the Ethiopian CSO sector.

Mr. Gelaye Hailu

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director of Facilitator for Change
Mr. Gelaye Hailu is the Executive Director of Facilitator for Change (FC). FC is the founding member of CoSAP. Mr. Gelaye is serving as the member of CoSAP board since 2019 (re-elected). He holds BA degree with over thirty years of professional experience in the Ethiopian CSO sector.


Mr. MELKAMU DAKSA serves as Field Officer in CoSAP since 2022.

Mr. Mulugeta Gebru

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer of Jerusalem Children and Community Development
Mr. Mulugeta Gebru is the Chief Executive Officer of Jerusalem Children and Community Development Organization (JeCCDO). JeCCDO is a pioneer organization for initiating SHG approach implementation in Ethiopia and JeCCDO is a founding member of CoSAP. Mr Mulugeta is serving as the Chairperson of CoSAP Board of Directors since 2019 (re-elected). He holds Master's Degree with close to forty years of professional experience in the civil society sector in Ethiopia.


Mr. THOMAS MEKNONNEN is Administrative and Project Coordinator at CoSAP since February 2017. He has BA Degree in Psychology. He supports CoSAP staffs and member organizations with the day to day administrative and program functions to reach more women at grassroots level.


Mr. YOSEF AKALU is serving as Director of CoSAP since 2011. He has Master's Degree in Development Economics and over ten years of hands on experience on the women's Self Help Groups as project coordinator, program coordinator and running the office of CoSAP.


Mr. YOSEPH ARAGE is a Driver/Purchaser at CoSAP since establishment. He knows the exact spots where the women SHGs operate even in remote villages of Ethiopia. He gives comfort for staffs and visitors while going to the field to meeting with the women's groups.


Mrs. EMEBET TIBEBU heads the Administration and Finance section of CoSAP. She has over 15 years of rich experience in financial planning, budget control, procurement, and human resource development for profit as well as non-profit development organizations. She builds the internal capacities of CoSAP member organizations in finance and human resource matters.

Mrs. Hana Eshetu

Mrs. HANA ESHETU has Mrs. Hana Eshetu has a master's degree in social work and a bachelor's degree in Sociology and social work. She is working at CoSAP as Program Officer since 2022.

Mrs. Lemlem Tekuye

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Executive Director of Love for Children Organization
Mrs. Lemlem Tekuye is the founder and Executive Director of Love for Children Organization (LCO). LCO is the founding member of CoSAP. Mrs. Lemlem is serving as the member of CoSAP Board of Directors since 2022. She holds BA degree in Social Work and with over thirty years of professional experience in the Ethiopian CSO sector.

Mrs. Martha Nemera

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director of Women Empowerment Action
Mrs. Martha Nemera is the Executive Director of Women Empowerment Action (WE-Action). WE-Action is a member of CoSAP and promotes the SHG approach in various areas. Mrs. Martha holds MA degree in Gender and is serving as the member of CoSAP Board of Directors since 2019.


Mrs. MESERET TSEGAYE serves CoSAP as an office person for cleaning and messenger services. She has been a book witter of an SHG in her neighborhood and provides firsthand information to CoSAP staffs.

Mrs. Mulu Haile

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Executive Director of Mission of Community Development Program

Mrs. Zertihun Tefera

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Executive Director of Siiqqee Women 's Development Association
Mrs. Zertihun Tefera is the founder and Executive Director of Siiqqee Women's Development Association (SWDA). SWDA is the founding member of CoSAP. Mrs. Zertihun is serving as the member of CoSAP Board of Directors since 2022. She holds BA degree and with over twenty years of professional experience in the Ethiopian CSO sector.