SPECIALT - History of Changes

2024-09-05 insert about_pages_linkeddomain specialtonline.net
2024-06-01 insert support_emails ab..@specialt.net
2024-06-01 insert email ab..@specialt.net
2024-06-01 insert email ro..@specialt.net
2024-06-01 insert person Robert Bagley
2024-03-26 delete ceo Dale Nutter
2024-03-26 delete cfo Dmitri Denissiouk
2024-03-26 insert ceo Ian Hicks
2024-03-26 delete email de..@specialt.net
2024-03-26 delete email jo..@specialt.net
2024-03-26 delete person Derek Yater
2024-03-26 delete person Joanne Rorke
2024-03-26 delete person Kristen McVey
2024-03-26 insert email gd..@specialt.net
2024-03-26 insert email jo..@specialt.net
2024-03-26 insert email mb..@specialt.net
2024-03-26 insert email mi..@specialt.net
2024-03-26 insert person Grant Daniel
2024-03-26 insert person John Doster
2024-03-26 insert person Kristen Doster
2024-03-26 insert person Mike Maloney
2024-03-26 insert person Miles Bethenod
2024-03-26 update person_title Alexander Keen: Chief Dealer Advocate => Sales Manager - Georgia
2024-03-26 update person_title Dale Nutter: CEO => Member of the Advisory Board
2024-03-26 update person_title David Guedez: Inside Sales => Customer Service Manager
2024-03-26 update person_title Dmitri Denissiouk: CFO => C.F.O
2024-03-26 update person_title Emily Harris: Special Projects and Quotes => Customer Service Manager
2024-03-26 update person_title Ian Hicks: VP Sales => C.E.O
2024-03-26 update person_title Kevin Bothwell: Procurement / Product Support => International Procurement
2024-03-26 update person_title Leigh Anna Johnston: Scheduling, Fulfillment, Customer Service => Production Manager
2023-02-24 delete phone 678-879-0777
2023-01-24 delete support_emails ab..@specialt.net
2023-01-24 delete email ab..@specialt.net
2022-11-21 delete email ke..@specialt.net
2022-11-21 insert email kb..@specialt.net
2022-09-18 insert cmo Scott Althauser
2022-09-18 insert otherexecutives Justin Calvery
2022-09-18 delete email ja..@specialt.net
2022-09-18 delete email to..@specialt.net
2022-09-18 delete person Jack Salter
2022-09-18 delete person Tatiana Osokina
2022-09-18 insert email ju..@specialt.net
2022-09-18 insert email sc..@specialt.net
2022-09-18 insert person Justin Calvery
2022-09-18 insert person Scott Althauser
2022-09-18 update person_title Kevin Bothwell: Inside Sales => Procurement / Product Support
2022-05-16 delete ceo Steve Rozeboom
2022-05-16 delete president Dale Nutter
2022-05-16 insert ceo Dale Nutter
2022-05-16 insert chairman Steve Rozeboom
2022-05-16 insert president Brandon Rayburn
2022-05-16 update person_title Brandon Rayburn: VP Operations => President
2022-05-16 update person_title Dale Nutter: President => CEO
2022-05-16 update person_title Kristen McVey: Designer Support / Marketing Collateral Request => Project Manager
2022-05-16 update person_title Steve Rozeboom: CEO => Chairman
2022-03-16 delete email ta..@specialt.net
2022-03-16 delete person Tatiana Rodoslavova
2020-06-21 insert email da..@specialt.net
2020-06-21 insert email ke..@specialt.net
2020-06-21 insert email kr..@specialt.net
2020-06-21 insert email li..@specialt.net
2020-06-21 insert person David Guedez
2020-06-21 insert person Kevin Bothwell
2020-06-21 insert person Kristen McVey
2020-06-21 insert person Lisa Polillo
2020-06-21 update person_title Alexander Keen: Chief => Chief Dealer Advocate
2019-09-20 insert email ih..@specialt.net
2019-09-20 insert person Ian Hicks
2019-08-21 delete email br..@specialt.net
2019-08-21 delete email ia..@specialt.net
2019-08-21 delete email mi..@specialt.net
2019-08-21 delete person Michael Boyd
2019-08-21 insert email ju..@specialt.net
2019-06-22 delete email kr..@specialt.net
2019-06-22 insert email de..@specialt.net
2018-12-31 delete email ju..@specialt.net
2018-12-31 delete source_ip
2018-12-31 insert email ia..@specialt.net
2018-12-31 insert source_ip
2018-09-11 delete email ba..@specialt.net
2018-09-11 delete person Barry Martin
2018-09-11 insert email br..@specialt.net
2018-09-11 insert email ja..@specialt.net
2018-09-11 insert email ju..@specialt.net
2018-09-11 insert person Jack Salter
2018-02-19 update robots_txt_status specialt.net: 404 => 200
2018-02-19 update robots_txt_status www.specialt.net: 404 => 200
2018-01-06 insert email mi..@specialt.net
2018-01-06 insert person Michael Boyd
2017-12-09 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2017-12-09 insert email ca..@psarep.com
2017-12-09 insert person Cathie Justice
2017-12-09 insert phone 913-522-3005
2017-11-20 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-09-16 delete email de..@specialt.net
2017-09-16 insert email to..@specialt.net
2017-07-08 delete email st..@mvkgroup.com
2017-07-08 delete person Scott Taliaferro
2017-07-08 delete phone 404-580-6716
2017-07-08 delete phone 770-862-2660
2017-07-08 insert email ga..@mvkgroup.com
2017-07-08 insert person Gary Acedo
2017-07-08 insert phone 404-862-2660
2017-07-08 insert phone 561-308-3077
2017-05-22 insert sales_emails sa..@contourlinesnw.com
2017-05-22 delete email ji..@boylegroup.net
2017-05-22 delete email li..@boylegroup.net
2017-05-22 delete email mh@h4office.com
2017-05-22 delete email mo..@freygaede.com
2017-05-22 delete email ro..@contourlinesnw.com
2017-05-22 delete email to..@akersbusiness.com
2017-05-22 delete person Lisa Boyle
2017-05-22 delete person Matthew Hall
2017-05-22 delete phone 215-262-8274
2017-05-22 delete phone 503-740-3737
2017-05-22 delete phone 518-288-3174
2017-05-22 insert email co..@kanecontractgroup.com
2017-05-22 insert email ke..@frontiernet.net
2017-05-22 insert email ke..@akersbusiness.com
2017-05-22 insert email mo..@fg1948.com
2017-05-22 insert email sa..@contourlinesnw.com
2017-05-22 insert email to..@gmail.com
2017-05-22 insert person Courtney Keller
2017-05-22 insert person Kelly Butler
2017-05-22 insert person Kevin Bachman
2017-05-22 insert phone (203) 360-2836
2017-05-22 insert phone 484-547-4792
2017-05-22 insert phone 508-367-3140
2017-05-22 insert phone 585-703-5189
2017-04-03 insert sales_emails sa..@ccimd.com
2017-04-03 delete email ro..@specialt.net
2017-04-03 insert email sa..@ccimd.com
2017-04-03 insert phone 301-385-8497
2017-04-03 insert phone 301-437-6462
2017-02-05 delete email re..@freygaede.com
2017-02-05 insert email le..@imgsouth.com
2017-02-05 insert email re..@fg1948.com
2017-02-05 insert person Les Tucker
2017-02-05 insert phone 228-224-0879
2017-01-08 delete personal_emails ju..@freygaede.com
2017-01-08 delete email ja..@thebuchheitgroup.com
2017-01-08 delete email ju..@freygaede.com
2017-01-08 delete email pa..@aol.com
2017-01-08 delete email pe..@yahoo.com
2017-01-08 delete fax 202-488-4886
2017-01-08 delete person Jack Buchheit
2017-01-08 delete person Judy Buerk
2017-01-08 delete person Pat McDonnell
2017-01-08 delete person Peggy Sneed
2017-01-08 delete phone 314-520-4169
2017-01-08 delete phone 314-581-2705
2017-01-08 delete phone 636-751-5045
2017-01-08 delete phone 816-506-2155
2017-01-08 insert email cr..@psarep.com
2017-01-08 insert email ti..@psarep.com
2017-01-08 insert person Craig Pagenkopf
2017-01-08 insert person Tim Purdum
2017-01-08 insert phone 314-368-9262
2017-01-08 insert phone 913-544-5402
2016-12-04 delete email je..@jhadenassoc.com
2016-12-04 delete email je..@gmail.com
2016-12-04 delete fax 208-664-8357
2016-12-04 delete person Jeff Leist
2016-12-04 delete phone 208-664-8974
2016-12-04 delete phone 208-755-5612
2016-12-04 delete phone 810-844-3432
2016-12-04 insert email je..@jhagenassoc.com
2016-12-04 insert email mh@h4office.com
2016-12-04 insert person Matthew Hall
2016-12-04 insert phone 503-740-3737
2016-12-04 insert phone 608-501-4005
2016-11-06 insert email je..@jhadenassoc.com
2016-11-06 insert person Jeff Hagen
2016-11-06 insert phone 612-599-7378
2016-09-28 insert email ba..@specialt.net
2016-09-28 insert person Barry Martin
2016-08-31 delete ceo Loren Rozebom
2016-08-31 delete email lo..@specialt.net
2016-08-31 delete person Loren Rozebom
2016-08-31 insert email kr..@specialt.net
2016-08-31 insert person Kristen McVey
2016-07-06 delete email mb..@hotmail.com
2016-07-06 delete email sa..@specialt.net
2016-07-06 delete person Michael Bails
2016-07-06 delete person Sara Bodeep
2016-07-06 delete phone 952-933-0869
2016-04-06 delete email mi..@boylegroup.net
2016-04-06 delete phone 585-662-3590
2016-02-18 delete source_ip
2016-02-18 insert source_ip
2016-01-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain mozilla.org
2016-01-21 delete alias Special-T Company
2016-01-21 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain mozilla.org
2016-01-21 delete index_pages_linkeddomain mozilla.org
2015-07-28 insert vp Dale Nutter
2015-07-28 delete email sh..@specialt.net
2015-07-28 delete person Shelley Montgomery
2015-07-28 insert email br..@specialt.net
2015-07-28 insert email da..@specialt.net
2015-07-28 insert email de..@specialt.net
2015-07-28 insert email jo..@specialt.net
2015-07-28 insert email ro..@specialt.net
2015-07-28 insert email sa..@specialt.net
2015-07-28 insert person Britni Vadnais
2015-07-28 insert person Dale Nutter
2015-07-28 insert person Sara Bodeep
2015-05-18 delete email ch..@boylegroup.net
2015-05-18 delete email ke..@kenaltieroassociates.com
2015-05-18 delete email li..@specialt.net
2015-05-18 delete person Chelsea Hennigan
2015-05-18 delete phone 716-238-4879
2015-05-18 insert email gi..@aol.com
2015-05-18 insert email ob..@optonline.net
2015-05-18 insert email re..@aol.com
2015-05-18 insert fax 516-374-6450
2015-05-18 insert person Jane Eisen
2015-05-18 insert phone 201-280-1150
2015-05-18 insert phone 516-312-9844
2015-05-18 insert phone 516-374-6469
2015-05-18 insert phone 732-568-1180
2015-05-18 insert phone 848-248-2253
2015-04-13 delete email hp..@hotmail.com
2015-04-13 delete phone 718-877-6267
2015-03-16 delete personal_emails sa..@att.net
2015-03-16 delete address 150 Turtle Creek Blvd, Suite 103 Dallas, TX 75207
2015-03-16 delete email pa..@aol.com
2015-03-16 delete email pa..@att.net
2015-03-16 delete email sa..@att.net
2015-03-16 delete email ya..@gmail.com
2015-03-16 delete person Paul Henry
2015-03-16 delete phone (972) 800-8777
2015-03-16 delete phone (972) 800-8778
2015-03-16 delete phone 347-883-7261
2015-03-16 delete phone 908-456-5455
2015-03-16 insert email ck..@mvkgroup.com
2015-03-16 insert email li..@specialt.net
2015-03-16 insert email ta..@specialt.net
2015-03-16 insert person Tatiana Rodoslavova
2015-03-16 update primary_contact 150 Turtle Creek Blvd, Suite 103 Dallas, TX 75207 => null
2015-02-16 delete email dn..@mvkgroup.com
2015-02-16 delete email li..@boylegroup0.net
2015-02-16 insert email ji..@boylegroup.net
2015-02-16 insert email li..@boylegroup.net
2015-01-14 insert email st..@specialt0.net
2014-12-01 delete email ds..@aol.com
2014-12-01 delete person Dennis Sutherland
2014-12-01 delete phone 573-268-6243
2014-12-01 insert email pa..@aol.com
2014-12-01 insert email ya..@gmail.com
2014-12-01 insert person Paul Henry
2014-12-01 insert phone 347-883-7261
2014-12-01 insert phone 908-456-5455
2014-10-30 insert email sa..@gmail.com
2014-10-30 insert phone 913-515-9714
2014-08-20 insert general_emails in..@specialt.net
2014-08-20 delete email am..@akersbusiness.com
2014-08-20 delete email li..@specialt.net
2014-08-20 delete fax 410-541-3009
2014-08-20 delete person Amy Jones
2014-08-20 delete phone 804-357-0996
2014-08-20 insert email da..@akersbusiness.com
2014-08-20 insert email hp..@hotmail.com
2014-08-20 insert email in..@specialt.net
2014-08-20 insert person Darlene Akers
2014-08-20 insert phone 410-507-4841
2014-08-20 insert phone 718-877-6267
2014-07-15 delete index_pages_linkeddomain aventasdesign.com
2014-07-15 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain aventasdesign.com
2014-07-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2014-07-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain mozilla.org
2014-07-15 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2014-07-15 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2014-07-15 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain mozilla.org
2014-07-15 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain pinterest.com
2014-07-15 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2013-11-19 delete source_ip
2013-11-19 insert source_ip