Updated 2 days ago
32 South Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ 07981
Star-Lo Electric is the best choice as your electrical contractor not only due to our many years of experience but also because of our renowned reputation; we are experienced in voice and data work, as well. Star-Lo Electric prides itself as a high-end electrical contractor serving the construction industry throughout the State of New Jersey. Star-Lo Electric was incorporated in the State of New Jersey on August 14, 1984. Star-Lo Electric currently employs over 500 journeymen, a service staff of five men along with an administrative staff of highly trained individuals utilizing up-to-date computerized procedures. Star-Lo Electric has certified high voltage splicers on staff, and has completed many high voltage installations. Our field operation utilizes a Caterpillar 416C backhoe, a Caterpillar 420 Backhoe, a Caterpillar DC3 Bulldozer, four Case trenchers, two Digger Derricks, one 40' bucket truck, three 50' bucket trucks, two dump trucks, three rack body trucks, one concrete saw-..
Also known as: Star-Lo Electric, Inc.