SPIELKIND - History of Changes

2022-08-19 delete otherexecutives Fred Cavayé
2022-08-19 delete otherexecutives Philipp Osthus
2022-08-19 insert otherexecutives Clara Zoë My-Linh
2022-08-19 insert otherexecutives Clara Zoë My-Linh von Arnim
2022-08-19 insert otherexecutives Max Gleschinski
2022-08-19 insert otherexecutives Sophie Linnenbaum
2022-08-19 delete person Fred Cavayé
2022-08-19 delete person Jasmin Kraus
2022-08-19 delete person Philipp Osthus
2022-08-19 insert person Clara Zoë My-Linh
2022-08-19 insert person Clara Zoë My-Linh von Arnim
2022-08-19 insert person Max Gleschinski
2022-08-19 insert person Sophie Linnenbaum
2022-08-19 update person_description Christopher Schier => Christopher Schier
2022-08-19 update person_description Gregory Kirchhoff => Gregory Kirchhoff
2022-08-19 update person_description Neelesha Barthel => Neelesha Barthel
2022-08-19 update person_title Neelesha Barthel: Director => German - Indian Director and Writer from Berlin; Director