Kyle Taylor

Kyle Taylor has been in the law enforcement field since 1991. Within his 20 years experience he has worked with agencies such as the North Myrtle Beach Public Safety, Richland County Sheriff's Department and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Kyle has served in various positions including burglary investigations where he began his career as an investigator with the Richland County Sheriff's Department. In 1998, he was re-assigned to the narcotics division where he worked various operations including making undercover buys and functioning as an undercover agent for two escort service operations. In addition, Kyle Taylor has conducted countless hours of surveillance both unaided and assisted by other agents, and utilizing surveillance tools such as trackers, camera's, video camera's, and undercover video camera's. From March 2002 until June 2008, Kyle Taylor was a Drug Enforcement Task Force Agent (DEA TFA). During his six years of service with the DEA, he was the case agent and/or co-case agent in several significant drug investigations. Kyle Taylor was the first DEA TFA to serve as the Affiant for an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Title III wiretap in the District of South Carolina. Two of his Title III cases involved Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations. During his time as an investigator, narcotics agent and as a DEA TFA he has attended advanced classes such as Blood Pattern Analysis, Crime Scene Reconstruction, Medio-Legal Aspects of Death Investigations, Interview and Interrogation School, Drug Level one, Drug Level Two, Drug Commander School, Tactical Narcotics, Prescription Drug Abuse Investigations, Asset Forfeiture Training, Hidden Assets In Commercial Motor Vehicle Training, Advanced Drug Law Enforcement, Confidential Source Management School, Telecommunications Exploitation Training, Internet Telecommunications Exploitation Program, Advanced Internet Investigation and Methamphetamine Investigations. During his time in Law Enforcement he has received awards from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), United States Attorney's Office District Of South Carolina, United States Department of Justice, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), United States Secret Service, Richland County Sheriff's Department and the North Myrtle Beach Public Safety. In June 2011, Kyle Taylor retired from the Richland County Sheriff's Department as a Sergeant with the Narcotics Division and is currently the lead investigator for Southern Investigative Services, LLC.