STS - Key Persons

Bob Oakes

Bob Oakes spent many years working long hours in the real estate industry selling commercial real estate before he came to understand the efficiency and value of our business model. Unlike the real estate industry, where you are competing against your colleagues, our business model exemplifies a true TEAM effort and win-win economic reward for all. Bob has developed teams worldwide through coaching, mentoring and training leadership development and his passion and mission has always been about helping people discover their value and teaching them how to empower others to achieve their dreams. "Let Maria & I help you to make your dreams and goals a reality!" Craig Holiday runs a business dedicated to inspiring people to live the life of their dreams, to show individuals that they do not have to be defined by the past and that struggle is less painful than regret. I have always been an entrepreneur. I started building a business in 1979 and quickly built my income to over $ 1 million per year. Once I achieved my own success, I decided I wanted to focus on helping others achieve their destiny. I started my consulting business in 2001. Since then, I have spent many hours helping both individuals and corporations to reach their potential through evaluating, directing, coaching and mentoring. I especially like working with blue collar people. I like working with the person who might be thought of as an underdog, the kind of person that no one would bet on, but who has the biggest heart and even bigger dreams. I love the good hearts of struggling people and I want to water their souls so they can be everything they want to be and even better than they could have imagined. I want to bring hope to every person I work with, to let them know that they are significant. I always knew from the time I was a little kid that SOMEDAY I would be a success. Anyone who looked at my life then would not have expected me to have reached the level of success that I have achieved. Someday is today. It was in my D.N.A. (Determined Natural Ambition) and that same attribute is in Maria. "Our mentorship team looks forward to working with you".

Maria McCue

Job Titles:
  • Marketing & Mentoring, Inc.
Maria McCue brings to the table over 30 years of experience in the beauty and wellness industry. She is a licensed cosmetologist and her expertise encompasses hair, nails, makeup and skin care. She has managed, owned and operated salons and is passionate about helping others to look and feel their very best. Maria has also studied several food philosophies, being most passionate about plant-based, raw living foods. Having had the opportunity to work with and experience many beauty and wellness product lines, Maria can say with confidence that the Sunrider brand of products is amongst the highest quality in the Beauty and Wellness industries. Maria's mission is to now take the experience and wisdom that she has gained in these areas and incorporate them into a simple system of education and duplication, mentoring others to look and feel better, and to financially empower others to work smarter.... not harder, by incorporating our superior business model!