Chris Goldstone

Chris has over 30 years experience in the IT industry and is the founder and Managing Director of The Strategic Directions Group. Chris specialises in ICT strategy and management, and ICT Master Planning for regions and cities in Local Government and Large Commercial Organisations.

David Collyer

David has experienced over 20 years' leading private, commercial operations and government authorities in best practice ICT Strategies, Business Processes and Project Management Methodologies. Recognised for his project work in ICT Infrastructure Refresh Program Management, ICT Strategy & Technology Roadmaps, CIO Experience, Springfield ICT Master Plan and Dark Fibre Network Manager with Strategic Directions. David's commitment to his projects and clients are a testament to the core values of Strategic Directions.

Leesa Addison

Leesa has 20+ years' experience working in technology and innovation, particularly focussing on business and digital transformation in Chief Information Officer and senior ICT positions. Leesa has ridden the wave of ICT innovation throughout her career, working on the tools in complex technical environments, then moving into commercial ecommerce as an early adopter during the era. Leesa expanded her technical and product management responsibilities into Executive management with multiple CIO roles with accountability across product and enterprise ICT services. Leesa brings deep professional expertise in governance. Her ability to partner with clients, driven by her experience working from the inside out as an ICT leader is exceptional and developed through roles delivering strategy and leading business transformation through complex and ambiguous circumstances. Leesa is also a Board Director for several organisations, helping to steer them through understanding technology as business strategy and directing strategies for delivering major change and innovation opportunities.

Mike Andrea

Mike has over 30 years' experience in the ICT industry, covering strategy, design and management across commercial and government sectors. Specialist in large-scale data centre development and telecommunications solutions, strategic and master planning, procurement, and telecommunications