Melanie Benson

If you'd like to invite Melanie to speak at your next event or summit, please check out our media page (or you can jump right to this form to share your opportunity. If you'd like to interview Melanie for your podcast, live radio show, or printed article for your show, please use the contact form shared below. Melanie Benson, an Authority Amplifier, Revenue Strategist and Money Mindset Coach for expert-preneurs (coaches, consultants, course creators and service professionals who are building a successful business around their expertise.) With over 12 years experience in corporate America and 21 years as an entrepreneur and coach, Melanie specializes in transforming wisdom into wealth through powerful mindset shifts, influence boosting strategies and aligned visibility that generates an endless supply of clients and opportunity. Melanie combines her extensive traditional education (she holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management and a Master's Degree in Organizational Management) with multiple advanced certifications in Project Management, Results Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and even a license as a Spiritual Counselor to get her clients past their obstacles and into impacting the world in a fulfilling, and profitable, way. Melanie started her business in 2001 and after struggling for 2 ½ years, broke her first six figures in 2004. Since then she's coached thousands of entrepreneurs into breaking six and seven figures in their own businesses. Melanie was nominated for the prestigious 40-Under-40 Award in 2005.