TACT - Key Persons

Alexandre Clouston - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Finance Director
Recognized for his analytical and critical mind, Alexandre stands out for his constant search for work well done. Curious by nature, he is interested in the progress of the various ongoing mandates. This allows him to have a good understanding of the various files and provide rigorous follow-up with clients. Alexandre worked for four years in the certification department of a recognized accounting firm in the Quebec City region, in addition to working as a financial analyst for major Quebec companies, particularly in the marine and general insurance sectors. Alexandre holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting Sciences from Université du Québec à Rimouski, Campus Lévis, which led him to the title of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec.

Alice-Ann Busque

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
Curious and enthusiastic, Alice-Ann is at the same time thoughtful and rigorous. Nurtured by teamwork, she knows how to bring out the strengths of each individual to maximize results. Her keen interest in digital communications allows her to propose creative solutions, as she strives to find innovative and meaningful ways to respond to each situation and to her clients' needs. Alice-Ann first developed her expertise in the event industry. This brought out her skills in event organisation, crisis management, public relations and partnership management. These strengths are also expressed with agility in social media management and web marketing. Alice-Ann holds a bachelor's degree in public communication from Université Laval. Her university career was also marked by her involvement in various committees and associations.

Amanda Naud

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant, Human Resources

Andrée-Ann Déry

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant

Angelica Williamson

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Anna-Kim Ngan

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator, Human Resources

Anne Sérode - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Anne-Sophie Trihey

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Annie Deslauriers

Job Titles:
  • Organization Coordinator

Antonine Yaccarini

Job Titles:
  • Specialist, Public Affairs and Training

Apolline Provost

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Audrée Duclos Paré

Job Titles:
  • Director

Béatrice Vincent

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Camille Kouéyou

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Camille Riverin

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Catherine Caron

Job Titles:
  • Director

Catherine Ferron

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Catherine Houde

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant

Catherine Loiacono

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director
Talented and results-oriented, Catherine is a seasoned strategic communicator who offers clients two decades of experience in public relations, issues and crisis management, marketing communications, public affairs and stakeholder engagement. Known for sharp reflexes, collaboration skills and great versatility, she has managed high-profile and complex files with ease, nimbleness and particular attention to detail. She is most passionate about helping clients achieve outcomes through the integration of communications platforms. Her expertise is accumulated from the corporate sector, government, and non-profit organizations. Catherine has extensive experience in government relations having worked for Premiers and federal Cabinet Ministers in Ottawa, Manitoba and British Columbia. Most recently, Catherine worked for a health authority in British Columbia where one of her key roles was to lead a team and support the COVID-19 pandemic response from the first confirmed COVID-19 case to the roll-out of the vaccines. She holds a master's degree in communications management from Syracuse University and a bachelor's degree in Biology and Italian from the University of Victoria.

Catherine Maertens

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Chantale Ferland

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer
Chantale's attention to detail is combined with her dynamism and creativity to deliver results that meet expectations and deadlines. As a child, she was already passionate about the arts, an interest which still leads her today to follow the latest trends in graphics and design and to continuously perfect her knowledge. Chantale has been working in graphic design for fifteen years and has carried out corporate and consulting mandates. Through her experience, she has acquired solid analytical skills and leadership that she demonstrates in the management of her mandates. Chantale graduated from the Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup with a degree in graphic design.

Charles Philippe Thibault

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
As a motivated person who never shies away from a challenge, Charles Philippe puts all his energy into achieving his objectives and delivering thorough work. Charles has a thirst for knowledge and is a big current affairs news buff, especially politics. He always strives to further his learning, insight and analysis. Charles Philippe has a few years of experience in politics, notably in the constituency office of a federal elected official. He also served as campaign manager for a mayoral election. His experience has led him to interact regularly with the media over the years. He is particularly familiar with the various political and business networks in the Eastern Townships area. Charles Philippe has a bachelor's and master's degree in Political Science from Université de Sherbrooke. His master's research focused on the differences between private and public prisons in the American prison system.

Charles Tessier

Job Titles:
  • Expert, Citizen Behavior and Research
Charles has an unparalleled analytical mind and a unique profile that combines data analysis expertise and public affairs skills. His expertise in data analysis covers a wide range of advanced techniques that allow him to make the figures speak for themselves and to extract the best intelligence. A remarkably effective popularizer, he knows how to interest all audiences, even in the most complex subjects. In addition to being a creative analyst, Charles has developed several skills relating to public affairs, such as speechwriting, debate preparation and meeting facilitation. Before joining the TACT team, Charles had the opportunity to collaborate on several major projects, such as Compass - Quebec 2014, and to act as a consultant for various organizations. His interest in popularization and knowledge transfer also led him to become a lecturer at Université de Sherbrooke, where he teaches statistics as well as Canadian and Quebec politics. Charles holds a PhD in political sciences from Université Laval.

Christiane Beaulieu

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor
  • Specialist
Christiane Beaulieu is a specialist in high-level strategic communications and a valuable asset in a crisis. She also has an impressive track record in the banking, national defense, and air transport industries. Over the years, Christiane has guided and supported the senior managers of numerous companies through reviews of their business strategies and positioning. Christiane is known for her ability to manage complex issues and deploy realistic solutions. While heading up public affairs and communications at the Canadian Aviation Safety Board and then at Aéroports de Montréal, she was directly involved in numerous important projects, such as the airport facilities modernization, the closure and demolition of the Mirabel airport, and the downtown shuttle project. Christiane expertly managed sensitive communications issues surrounding aircraft accidents and events related to acts of terrorism. She acts quickly and collaborates with stakeholders during high-profile cases. Her commitment to thoroughness and transparent communication landed her a position as chief of staff for the Minister of Health. Christiane pursued university studies in public relations and international public management. For a number of years, she has been involved on boards and in movements associated with public relations, tourism, and international development.

Claudia Ntihinyuka

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Clémence Beaulieu Gendron

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant
Clémence is an optimist, realist, leader and great motivator who is always is problem-solving mode. Her rich professional background has helped her develop her analytical thinking on Quebec politics and the health sector. Her collaborative approach, efficiency and dedication greatly facilitate the relationships she develops with her clients. By participating in several international missions that allowed her to use her sense of diplomacy, mental agility and versatility, Clémence was able to shape her experience in public affairs as a Press Secretary in a minister's office. She has also held strategic consulting and media relations positions in the health sector, specifically at an integrated health and social services centre (CISSS) and at a public relations agency. Clémence has a bachelor's degree in International Studies and Modern Languages from Université Laval. She has a keen interest in international relations and social integration, which is reflected in her various types of involvement with new immigrants and in her experiences in international cooperation.

Daniel Matte - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder

Daphnée Verdon-Martin

Job Titles:
  • Director of the Language Office

Dara Boutin

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer
Warm and optimistic, Dara is a perfectionist in her own right and likes to exceed expectations. Her versatility and ability to adapt allow her to understand the needs of different clients or projects. Whatever the challenge, her quick-wittedness and sharp analysis will be noted. Passionate about life and people, her invigorating energy facilitates communication with people around her. She is an arts enthusiast in general and especially enjoys dance, fashion and of course, graphic design. She draws on her different fields of interest to grow her creativity. Dara holds a degree in graphic design from Cégep de Sainte-Foy. She is now studying part-time in public communication at Université Laval. Involved in her community, she participated in the Communications Games, more precisely in the "Cultural Show" event.

Donald Beauchamp

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor
Donald spent 25 seasons with the Montreal Canadiens organization. His extensive experience makes him a top advisor in communications management, public affairs and special events, including international sporting events. He also specializes in crisis and image management. As Senior Vice President of Communications for the Canadiens until 2018, Donald successfully orchestrated media relations, communications and community outreach for one of the most recognized sports brands in all of professional sports. He played a key role in organizing the 2009 Canadiens Centennial celebrations and the national funerals of hockey legends Maurice Richard and Jean Béliveau. More recently, he has lent his experience and advice to the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMJHL). Prior to joining the Montreal Canadiens, Donald Beauchamp worked with Hockey Canada from 1985 to 1993 as Director of Communications and Marketing, including for the Calgary, Albertville and Lillehammer Winter Olympic Games. He also spent two years as head of the University of Ottawa's sports information branch. In addition to his professional activities, Donald is a member of the provincial board of the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Dr. Dan Cooper

Job Titles:
  • Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Pharmacoeconomics and Market Access
A pharmacist, pharmacoeconomist and pharmacoepidemiologist, Dr. Dan Cooper is passionate about science and population health. His rigour and global vision of the issues surrounding access to health innovations have allowed him to acquire a solid reputation in the world of drug and technology assessment. Dan's analytical skills and expertise in establishing reimbursement and market access strategies are recognized at all levels of drug evaluation, including the negotiation of listing agreements. He offers a highly personalized and results-oriented service that allows him to maintain long-term relationships of trust with his clients. Prior to joining TACT, Dan ran his own drug evaluation and pharmacoeconomic consulting firm, COOPERx Strategies Inc. and is the founder of the continuing education platform on optimal drug use, USOPRx.com, for healthcare and drug industry professionals. He also has a wealth of experience acquired through his responsibilities as a pharmacist and senior advisor in pharmacoeconomics at the Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS), where he worked for nearly 10 years. During his years at the INESSS, he was responsible for pharmacoeconomic analyses and the review of the opinions formulated by the Institute for the Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services. In particular, he coordinated the revision of the evaluation frameworks for cancer drugs and those used for the treatment of rare diseases. Dan has also worked with the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) as a pharmacoeconomic expert. He still maintains academic collaborations; notably as the person in charge of an introduction to pharmacoeconomics course at Université Laval. Dan developed his expertise in clinical and pharmacoeconomic analysis of drugs during his master's and his Doctor of Pharmacy degrees, as well as during a postdoctoral research experience in oncology pharmacoeconomics. He also completed professional negotiation training at Harvard University, which broadened his skills in the drug price negotiation process.

Elyse Vezina

Job Titles:
  • Specialist, Pharmaceutical Sector and Market Access
Proactive and rigorous, Elyse is committed to the development and advancement of the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. A market access specialist, she is driven by the vital importance of ensuring rapid access to innovations in the sector. Her skills in strategic planning, organizational management, project management and communications help her to do just that. Elyse has worked with a range of major pharmaceutical companies, including developing product portfolios and managing reimbursement strategies for both the private and public sectors. As a consultant for Certara and JSS Medical Research, she carried out drug development projects for numerous international pharmaceutical companies, gaining valuable experience in this field. She has also demonstrated her ability to prepare submission dossiers for CADTH and INESSS, including the optimization of pharmacoeconomic and budget impact analyses. She has a thorough understanding of the drug reimbursement process in Canada and its key players, including CADTH, INESSS, pCPA, PMPRB and provincial, federal and private decision-makers. Thanks to this knowledge, Elyse has demonstrated her ability to maximize and accelerate drug reimbursement in several therapeutic areas by deploying cross-functional strategies. Elyse holds bachelor's and master's degrees from the Université de Montréal, where she studied biopharmaceutical sciences and specialized in health economics.

Emma Benoît-Charest

Job Titles:
  • Web Integrator

Emma Fortin

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Eva Falk Pedersen

Job Titles:
  • Researcher
  • Senior Director
Eva lives and breathes politics, and she is always up for informed debates on current issues. Her intellectual rigour makes her a calm, serious tactician who offers strategic options to clients. Versatile and open-minded, Eva quickly identifies and grasps the key issues in any given situation. Through her wealth of experience, Eva became a skilled researcher and political staffer. After supporting the office of a minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife, she worked for two ministers responsible for Aboriginal Affairs. She was then recruited by PartiRep, a Belgian research project, to work on a study that focused on the 2014 Belgian and European elections. Eva missed politics, so she became the communications manager of a first-rate candidate during the 2015 federal election, making the most of her ability to work under pressure and her organizational and media positioning skills. Eva holds a master's in political science from McGill University and received a bachelor's degree with honours in political science from Université Laval. She authored some 15 academic articles and presentations on voting behaviour that were well received in Europe and Canada. Very involved in her community, she volunteers with several Montréal organizations and sits on the board of the Y des femmes de Montréal (YWCA) as president. She is also the president of an organization promoting biodiversity in cities, Nouveaux Voisins. She is also a member of the Conseil du statut de la femme, a government study and consultation body on gender equality.

Eve-Marie Désilets

Job Titles:
  • Art Director

Florence Vallée-Dubois

Job Titles:
  • Specialist, Research and Data Analysis
Curious and versatile, Florence enjoys interpreting current issues through statistics. A rigorous data analyst, she uses her technical skills to develop original approaches to information gathering. Her skills in statistics are accompanied by a great affection for images, a marriage that has materialized in her passion for data visualization. In addition to data analysis, Florence is also interested in Quebec and Canadian politics. Before joining Tact, she worked on projects in electoral behaviour and democratic representation. She has also been a lecturer in advanced statistics and has given workshops in programming and data visualization to university students. Florence is currently completing a PhD in political science at Université de Montréal. Her research focuses on the political representation of seniors in the context of an aging population.

François Ducharme

Job Titles:
  • Founder, General Manager, Québec City Office
One of Quebec's leading experts in strategic counselling, public affairs and public opinion campaigns François also has an outstanding track record in crisis management and building social acceptance for projects. The credibility he has developed over more than 25 years in the business stems from his ability to tackle issues with the ingenuity and critical distance that make all the difference. For years he has enjoyed excellent relationships with major companies and institutions such as Valero Energy (Ultramar), Énergir, Labatt and Port of Québec. Before founding TACT in fall 2011, he was vice president and general manager of HKDP, the firm he co-founded in 1986 under the name Ducharme Perron. Previous to that, he worked as a political assistant in the office of the premier of Quebec after completing his studies in political science and sociology at Université Laval. François chaired the Board of Trade and Industry of the Metropolitan Québec's board of directors from 1999 to 2000 and currently sits on a number of boards of directors.

Frédéric Alberro

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director
A seasoned communicator, Frédéric has a broad network of influence and extensive experience in the world of industry associations and in the upper echelons of Quebec politics and government. His expertise and interests cover a broad spectrum of public and government affairs and he knows how to propose and deploy creative solutions adapted to each reality and context. He assists organizations in public policy and access to public markets, in relations with governments, the media and stakeholders, and in issues management. Frédéric has previously served as an economic advisor to two Quebec premiers. He has also served as an advisor and executive with the Government of Quebec and as Director of Media Relations and Spokesperson for the Autorité des marchés financiers. He has also successfully defended the interests of important economic sectors by leading Canadian industry associations in the pharmaceutical, health, retail and food sectors in Quebec. In addition, he has directed the Affaires économiques de la Délégation du Québec in Boston and has served on several boards of directors, roundtables and advisory committees. Frédéric has managed a multitude of complex business, public policy and economic issues and projects. He is also a recognized spokesperson, public document and speech writer, facilitator, trainer and speaker. He holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the École des sciences de la gestion de l'UQAM and has completed a Certificate in International Business from the same institution as well as a master's degree in international business from the École supérieure de commerce de Sophia-Antipolis (Nice, France). He is currently a member of the Fundraising Committee of the Claude-Brunet Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors of IRICOR, an organization whose mandate is to facilitate and accelerate the transformation of research findings into innovative cancer therapies for the benefit of patients.

Frédéric Krikorian

Job Titles:
  • Strategic Advisor

Félix Masson

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Gabriel Blais

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Geneviève Breton

Job Titles:
  • Senior Graphic Designer

Geneviève Couture

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Geoffrey Kelley

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Guillaume Boivin

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director

Hélène Philion

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Inès Aboujja-Tessier

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Isaac Boutin

Job Titles:
  • Infographic Designer

Isabelle Verge

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Janie Bastien

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer

Jason Patuano - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Jay Denney

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Jean Larose

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Jean-Frédérick Legendre

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Jenna Dubé

Job Titles:
  • Director

Jeremy Ghio

Job Titles:
  • Director

Jessica Rousseau

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Jessica Théroux

Job Titles:
  • Director

Jonathan Gagnon - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Josiane Bélanger-Riendeau

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Josée France Lemyre

Job Titles:
  • Accounting Technician

Julie White

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Julien Nepveu-Villeneuve

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Jérémie Casavant-Dubois

Job Titles:
  • Director

Karine Asselin

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Laetitia Kouassi

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Lambert Gosselin

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant

Laura Fitzback

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Laurence Poulin

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Louis Germain

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Louis Payette

Job Titles:
  • Expert, Strategic Communication and Executive Coaching

Louis-Martin Leclerc

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant

Luc Fortin - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Malika Paradis

Job Titles:
  • Director

Manon Genest

Job Titles:
  • Founder, General Manager, Montréal Office

Mara Hannan-Desjardins

Job Titles:
  • Nutritionist, Food Content Consultant

Marc-André Tremblay

Job Titles:
  • Director

Marguerite Landry

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Marie Goczal

Job Titles:
  • Receptionist

Marie-Christine St-Pierre - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Marie-Pier Côté

Job Titles:
  • Director

Marie-Pier Hinse

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Martine Tremblay

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Marylène Sacy Reeves

Job Titles:
  • Director

Maryse Tétreault

Job Titles:
  • Specialist, Strategic and Political Monitoring

Mathieu St-Amant

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Maxime Bordeleau

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Megan Rivas-Gagnon

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Mikaël Guillemette

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Nadia Paquet - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice - President

Natacha Joncas Boudreau

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Nathalie Létourneau

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Director

Nicolas Laflamme

Job Titles:
  • Director

Nika Deslauriers

Job Titles:
  • Director

Pascal Mailhot - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Pascale Gagnon

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Patrice Servant

Job Titles:
  • Expert, Strategic Writing and Public Argumentation

Patrick Manfred - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Penela Guy

Job Titles:
  • Expert, Federal and Regulatory Affairs

Pénélope Lepage

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator

Roxanne Desrosiers

Job Titles:
  • Senior Graphic Designer

Roxanne Samson

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant

Sabrina Martin

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant

Samuel Tremblay

Job Titles:
  • Director

Sandra Aubé

Job Titles:
  • Vice President, Federal Affairs

Serge Godin

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Simon Poitras - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Sonia Dumont

Job Titles:
  • Special Advisor

Sophie Lachance

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Stéfanie Tougas

Job Titles:
  • Director

Sébastien Fassier - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President

Sébastien Verret

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant

Thania Ducasse

Job Titles:
  • Billing Manager

Valérie Beaudoin-Carle

Job Titles:
  • Digital Strategist

Vincent Despins

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Vincent Fournier Gosselin

Job Titles:
  • Director

Vincent Lamarre-Deraps

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Virginie Aubé Pelletier

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Édouard Jarry

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer

Élodie Grange

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Émile Gauthier

Job Titles:
  • Consultant

Émilie Trahan

Job Titles:
  • Senior Digital Director

Éric Gamache - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
For each of the challenges he is assigned, Éric draws on his motto: expect the unexpected. Rigorous, efficient and with an acute sense of ethics and responsibility, he is recognized for his ability to handle complex issues with ease, work under pressure, and identify realistic, attainable objectives. His extensive experience in managing public issues has enabled him to respond with reassuring reflexes in times of crisis. His in-depth knowledge of the machinery of the Quebec government represents a major asset for any organization seeking to position itself. Immersed in public policy issues and under the constant scrutiny of the Quebec media, Éric was an advisor to Quebec politicians for more than 15 years. His credibility and political experience won him the trust of the Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, for whom he was chief of staff. Over the years he worked on such diversified files as agri-food, health and social services, energy, regional development, Native affairs, immigration, and transportation. For more than 10 years, he supported numerous politicians and party leaders as a press secretary. Éric holds a bachelor's degree in public communication from Université Laval.

Étienne Racine

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant
Étienne is a versatile and agile communicator capable of designing and deploying targeted and eye-catching campaigns. He has a diversified experience in event management, social media and stakeholder ecosystem analysis. His keen interest in avant-garde projects led him to the Innovation District, where he was able to promote Montreal projects and startups by creating engaging, original and accessible content. His time at Transport Canada allowed him to take part in the organization of a major national meeting of the marine sector. He has also contributed to the modernization of consultation practices and has helped launch a major campaign against sexual harassment that has spread rapidly throughout Québec. Étienne holds a master's degree in political science - public and international affairs and a bachelor's degree in communication and political science from the Université de Montréal. He is a director of the organization Force Jeunesse, where he was responsible for the Rencontres action jeunesse, an initiative that allows some forty youth organizations raise awareness among elected officials in Québec.