TEAKNET - History of Changes

2023-01-25 delete chairman Lars Graudal
2023-01-25 delete personal_emails hu..@aya.yale.edu
2023-01-25 insert chairman Hugh Brown
2023-01-25 update person_title Hugh Brown: Director of Operations ( Plantations ) => Chairman
2023-01-25 update person_title Lars Graudal: Chairman => Research Leader, Tropical Trees and Landscapes
2022-12-24 insert person Fausto Hissashi
2022-12-24 insert person Irvine Kanyemba
2022-12-24 insert person Sanjay Poddar
2022-12-24 insert person Tran Lam Dong
2022-02-08 delete personal_emails be..@fao.org
2022-02-08 delete person Benjamin Caldwell
2022-02-08 insert person Kenichi Shono
2020-10-03 insert person Illias Animon
2019-07-26 delete person Kenichi Shono
2018-10-21 insert personal_emails be..@fao.org
2018-10-21 insert person Benjamin Caldwell
2018-10-21 update person_title Kenichi Shono: Forest Resources Officer => Forest Resources Officer / Food and Agricultural Organisation
2018-02-03 update person_title Walter Kollert: Planted Forests Officer / Secretary of the International Poplar Commission ( IPC ) => Planted Forests Officer ( Retd. ), FAO / Director, WaKa - Forest Investment Services AG
2017-08-01 insert otherexecutives Michael KLEINE
2017-08-01 insert person Michael KLEINE
2014-04-13 delete person Ramón Carrillo Arrellano