Blair Sweeney

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
  • Partner
Blair credits his expertise of foodie events to the chaos of the family meal. He developed a keen interest in all things food, fighting at the dinner table with his 8 siblings, where he also developed impressively fast eating habits. Blair started food branding at age four by referring to his mother's chewy chocolate chip cookies as "Chookies". (Trademark pending.) Growing up in a fishing family in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia has given Blair a strong work ethic and in-depth knowledge of the seafood and fishing industries. With 30+ years in design, Blair's creative marketing experience gives our clients a competitive advantage and keeps them happy and coming back for more. Coming from a big family gave him his tireless collaborative spirit. Good working relationships are everything, and he takes great pleasure in nurturing them. Blair is a big part of why we are a family here at TechnoMedia, building long-lasting relationships with each other and our customers.

Curt Duckworth

Job Titles:
  • Senior Designer, Social Media Aficionado
Curt is always the consummate professional, dependable, a true master of his trade, surrounded by action figures. He also likes to let mangy-looking stray cats into the office on cold winter days. He brings the experience of more than three decades to TechnoMedia, and not just in the visual arts. From hands-on production to senior management - and, of course, exceptionally tasty graphic design - Curt has honed a broad and complete skill set in his 27 years at Graphic Communication Group, the company he co-founded in 1984. However, he decided to give his abundant creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership an exciting new home here at TechnoMedia and now we can't imagine the place without him.

Donna MacKinnon

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
When you consider the organizational skills, grace, patience and sense of humour required to keep this bunch of creatives in line and the business running smoothly, you have to credit Donna with superwoman capabilities. TechnoMedia clients benefit from Donna's experience every day. She runs a tight ship, and she does it with winning warmth and charm.

Heather Ogg

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer, Photographer
Heather grew up in Montreal and moved to a mini-farm on Prince Edward Island in 2009 where she soon found out that she had no clue about living the rural life. She has since boycotted Country Living Magazine and thoughts of owning chickens. What she lacks in rural fortitude she more than makes up for in work experience, and so she clings to that. Heather has more than 25 years of experience working in design studios and corporate communications. She has spent her life telling stories through her photography and has run a successful commercial photography business since 2005. She studied Creative Arts, Illustration & Design, and Photography. This variety of artistic disciplines informs her work with a highly distinctive style.

Raymond Arsenault

Job Titles:
  • Designer, Production Artist, Digital Retoucher
Everybody loves Raymond. It's true. He's a great guy. Warm, loyal, calm. Level-headed, always helpful. Handy and hands-on. When it comes to modelling and constructing packaging prototypes, he's a true artist. And he's also a phenomenal digital retoucher. Over the last 30 years, he has specialized in retail advertising, tourism operator marketing and stationary packaging.

Roberta MacLean

Job Titles:
  • Partner, Designer, Website Developer
Roberta is a highly qualified layout artist and senior project manager, she pays close attention to many of our larger clients, safeguarding production values - along with deadlines and fiscal constraints - on a wide range of projects. She is also our CEO, Chief Egg Organizer. Perhaps it comes from being raised on a farm that Roberta's hands are always going, from gardening and baking to needlework of all kinds, she never stops. Endless patience, terrific listening skills, extraordinary technical savvy, uncompromising dependability, and boundless generosity, that's Roberta. When the chips are down, Roberta is the person you'll want on your side. Roberta, husband Kevin and two daughters, Lisa and Dawna live in Belfast, PEI, where she was born and raised.