Bryan Newman

Bryan serves in the library and the Crystal Angel shop. Bryan sits in The Lantern's Development Circle and is a Spiritual Healer with the Corinthians. Bryan walked through the doors in January 05 with his wife Jenny, they both experienced healing and have not looked back. It is beautiful to be a part of someone's development and understanding. We look forward to sharing in Bryan's growth.

Garry Sanders

Garry usually sits on reception and offers you a friendly greeting. Garry also sits in The Lantern's Development Circle.

Ian Brough

Ian sometimes helps host the evening demonstrations and is often at the centre giving helpful support and advice, Ian has sat in various development circles and is a member of the Sussex Healers.

Malcolm Putland

Malcolm is one of the organisers of the Lantern of Light and Sacred Space Healing Centre. Malcolm is a Medium, giving Private Readings, Demonstrations and Church Services travelling all over the country, where ever Spirit wants him to go. Malcolm is a Spiritual Healer/Healer Trainer with the Corinthian Church and Healing Organisation and is an Etheric weaver practioner. He teaches/facilitates various groups, Awareness, Development Circles, Meditation, Healer Training and Workshops on given subjects. Malcolm has worked with Spirit for many years. Malcolm has been taught by Betty Horne, Rose Robson, Robin Winbow, John Bundock, Lyndi Molyneux and Helen Beckett. Malcolm also gives his time at the Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals as a volunteer with the chaplaincy team based in the Royal Alexander children's Hospital and is also the representative for the spiritualist movement throughout the trust.

Mick Bassett

Jan and Mick have been working with Spirit for many years and sat in Val and Stewart Grey's, Sandie Stevenson's and Malcolm's home circle for a number of years. Jan and Mick now give us their help in Hove. Mick helps with technical support and was instrumental in helping us with our early printing and our first web site, when we didn't have access to a computer. Jan is a medium, does transfiguration and trance and Mick is the typical reluctant medium and doesn't give himself the credit for the beautiful evidence he brings forward.

Rod Jones

Rod helps out now helps out when he can due to his poor healh but we wish him a speedy recovery Rod has helped out in other areas where needed, being a very flexible jack of all trades, but an important part of the team. Rod sits in The Lantern's Development Circle and is a Spiritual Healer with the Corinthians. Since writing this Rod has returned home to spirit