Bob Bisaillon

Job Titles:
  • Corporate Trainer
Bob Bisaillon has been a corporate trainer at sites throughout the U.S. for 25 years. He has studied NLP for 7 years and coached NLP classes for 4 years.

Carsten Gramatke

Job Titles:
  • NLP Trainer and Coach
Carsten Gramatke is a well known NLP Trainer and Coach in Berlin, Germany. He also gives NLP-Trainings in Spain, Austria and Denmark. In 2006 he founded the biggest German NLP-wiki and he is co-founder of, a free page for the NLP Community. Before he started as NLP-Trainer and Coach, Carsten was leading a research & development group of 100 people for many years in an international technology company.

Julia Macmillan

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director of the Learning Quest
Julia is the Managing Director of The Learning Quest, a UK Training and Development consultancy. She is a highly successful training consultant experienced in all aspects of training and development and is used to working at all levels. Demonstrating an absolute passion for learning and self development, she also specialises in delivering high energy, innovative and creative training sessions. She has over 20 years experience in HR, Training and Development, 10 having been spent in the public sector. Julia is one of a handful of individuals in the UK trained to deliver the ‘Wealthy Mind' programme. Having learnt all about the art and science behind manifesting wealth and prosperity into people's lives she was fascinated and energised by the experience and is now keen to help others transform their lives and live their dreams. She will be delivering a number of workshops and seminars in the UK during 2011. She has a range of qualifications which include a Bachelor of Education (Education) an MSc. (Human Resource Development); is a practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and has an Advanced Diploma in Coaching. She is also a graduate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. On a personal level, in 2009 she joined Soroptimist International of Bournemouth and has become an active member ever since. In January 2010 she visited Bangladesh with Cementing Futures (a charity highlighting the poverty and lack of education in Dhaka which was originally founded by SI Bournemouth). Here she was able to gain firsthand experience of the poverty and deprivation in the city. Consequently, she is passionate about not only raising the profile and plight of individuals in slum areas but also to raise money to build a much needed school there. She is also an active member of Dorset Mentoring, a voluntary group dedicated to mentoring small businesses.

Kris Hallbom

Job Titles:
  • Trainer
Kris Hallbom is an internationally recognized trainer, author and coach. She is the co-creator of the WealthyMind™ Program, which has been taught to live audiences in over 20 countries around the world; and has helped thousands of people create more of what they want in their lives. She is also the co-founder of the NLP Coaching Institute, and has been actively involved in the field of NLP for over 25 years. Recognized for her ability to translate complex ideas into practical skills, and for her warm, approachable style, Kris has trained and coached clients throughout Europe, Australia, Russia, Japan, Mexico and the United States. She is a contributing author to the best selling books, "Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide" and "Innovations in NLP"; and has produced numerous DVDs and articles on wealth consciousness, NLP and systems thinking. Fueled by an innate passion for helping people achieve their true potential, Kris has developed a number of processes to help others create the lives they want. Her latest innovation, Dynamic Spin Release™, allows users to release their negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs and physical pain in a matter of minutes; giving them more peace of mind throughout their life. Kris began studying Neuro-linguistic programming in 1987 while obtaining her degree in Psychology, and went on to become a Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer of NLP. She later moved to the San Francisco Bay area to run and operate the NLP Coaching Institute. She became a Professional Coach in 1996, and has done several thousand hours of life coaching with her clients and students. She has an international array of clients, and does most of her coaching work on the telephone and through Skype. Kris later moved to Northern California with her husband Tim, to run and operate the NLP Institute of California, as well as the Academy for Coaching and NLP, which they co-founded together. Kris was featured on the front cover of both NLP Magazine and Rapport Magazine in 2013, two of the top NLP Magazines in the world. She was ranked as one of the top 30 NLP trainers in the world by Global Gurus International in 2014 and 2015. Kris's training history includes the following: Kris co-founded the Academy for Coaching and NLP, which was the first NLP based program to be approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) in North America in 2001. Kris was the Keynote Speaker at the International NLP Conference in London, and has keynoted several other conferences throughout her career. Kris has authored and co-authored scores of articles and books, and created several DVD programs and audio downloads. For a more comprehensive list, click here. Kris is the developer of the Universal Cycles of Change model, which is featured in the book, "Coaching in the Workplace". She is a contributing author to Rapport Magazine, an international based NLP magazine, and has written numerous articles on NLP and wealth consciousness throughout the years. She was a professional staff writer for the international NLP Journal, Anchor Point Magazine, from 1989 to 2001. During this time she published numerous articles on NLP and Systems Thinking. Kris holds a degree in Psychology and Language, and has been writing professionally for different magazines and newspapers since 1985 On a personal note… Kris has traveled to over 25 countries with her husband, Tim, and has successfully run a thriving business throughout her travels. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing, taking her dog on long walks; having fabulous dinner parties with friends; watching beautiful sunsets; and contemplating the deeper mysteries of life, the universe and everything.

Marilou Seavey

Marilou Seavey is a thoroughly engaging and entertaining speaker. With over 25 years of presenting NLP Trainings and Silva 2000 programs worldwide, her enthusiasm and wit gifts her audiences with a sense of possibilities. Extensive travels and work with individual clients make her presentation stimulating and unique. She is the co-author of the Nightingale Conant audio tape program, Universal Mind Power, with Laura Silva and Gerald Seavey. As Vice-president of Silva 2000, Marilou is committed to letting people in on the fact that 'successful and prosperous living can be an enlightening experience.' Her recent projects include: the creation of an effective communication and self-management program for the staff at the Holyoke Street School, in Massachusetts and she co-developed a research program utilizing stress management and applied visualization, for 'Self Control' at Boston College and was part of the team implementing it in the Boston school system to successfully help combat school drop out, drug abuse, and destructive behaviors. Her skillful presentations and deep understanding of the structure of the human experience provide her audience with the ideal atmosphere for accelerated learning.

Mary McMichael

Mary McMichael has a mission of assisting others to achieve transformational change in their lives. The primary areas of focus can be summed up as holistic health: financial health, physical health, emotional health and professional health. Mary believes that transformational changes in our lives result from a commitment and intent to change, along with the actions in physical reality that support the change intent. Mary has a passion for assisting others in achieving their personal and professional goals, and has utilized her NLP Practitioner training to expedite the process of identifying, modifying and moving beyond their limiting beliefs. She has studied a variety of alternative health practices, and is working toward a degree in holistic nutrition. Mary is certified as a provider of Biological Terrain Analysis, the study of body fluids for the indications for immune resistivity and healing. Mary has spent 30 years in corporate America in various leadership and management positions. She is a qualified and experienced management consultant, with extensive training in Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, the Capability Maturity Model, and Project Management. Mary consults with organizations on overall operability of their technical and operational environments, as well as their capacity and performance management processes. Join Mary soon for a life-changing experience with the knowledge that you have the ability to transform your life thru intent, commitment and action.

Oscar Ramirez Martinez

Job Titles:
  • Professional Coach
Oscar is a professional coach who loves supporting people reach their full potential, masterfully using Coaching, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis both in training and in practice. His coaching sesiones are framed in an atmosphere of warmth and dynamism. Oscar has a career as a Coach, Trainer and Instructor at national level in Mexico with more than 15 years of experience. He holds a degree in Human Resources with specialty in Organizational Development. He is a Certified Coach by The International Coach Federation. He also holds certifications as practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming and Hypnosis.

Terumi Laskowsky

Job Titles:
  • Is Director of of Pathfinders Japan Ltd.
She has worked in IT executive roles in a number of IT organizations in the financial, technology, and educational industries in Japan. She also served as a military police officer in the U.S. Army. Her IT expertise is in a field of IT Security (Application, OS, Network), IT Compliance and Governance, IT management, and IT Communications. Terumi is also a certified master practitioner and trainer of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). She has trained under Dr. Richard Bandler, and has conducted NLP certifications courses in NLP at Temple University Japan Campus. She also delivers NLP-enhanced workshops to replace limiting beliefs that stops you to empowering beliefs that empowers you. These are, the WealthyMind™, Speak with Confidence!, Mental Toughness for Interpreters, and many others.

Tim Hallbom

Job Titles:
  • Trainer and Developer in the Fields of Coaching
Tim Hallbom is an internationally known trainer and developer in the fields of Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and NLP. He is the co-author of the books, Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-being, NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, Coaching in the Workplace, Your Mind Power, and Innovations in NLP, as well as the author of a number of articles about management, ethics, and change. Throughout his career, Tim has worked with individuals and organizations, authored several articles and books, founded training centers and professional organizations, keynoted international conferences and lectured throughout the world. Tim is dedicated to helping individuals have life changing breakthroughs and organizations experience fundamental improvements. Tim has contributed significantly to the body of knowledge in the field of human behavior and change. He has refined and championed such processes as re-imprinting, integrating conflicting beliefs and using eye-accessing cues for discovery and change. He has developed a number of popular NLP techniques, including ones for changing limiting beliefs, working with double binds, working with health related issues and business communications. Because of his contributions in the fields of NLP and Coaching, he was recently awarded a Diplomate in NLP by the International Academy of Behavioral Medicine. Tim has been involved in the field of NLP since 1979, and has been delivering NLP trainings throughout the world since then. Tim has always been more than a trainer. Throughout his NLP career he has consistently provided therapy, coaching and consulting with individuals and organizations around the globe. This "in the field" work has enabled him to make many discoveries about human behavior and change that he would not have made if he restricted his activities to training. In 1990, Tim created the "Graduate School" of NLP with Robert Dilts and Suzi Smith - the Health Certification Training Program, which is considered to be one of the most advanced NLP training programs in the world. He and his wife Kris are also the co-developers of theWealthyMind™ program, which has been taught in over 20 countries around the world to date. Moreover, Tim has made many contributions in the field of Professional Coaching. His NLP Coach Certification program was the first based on NLP in North America to be approved by the International Coach Federation. His most recent book, Coaching in the Workplace, is a comprehensive guide to coaching for managers. Tim is also well known at some of the best and most recognized NLP institutes around the globe, including International Teaching Seminars (ITS) in London, The Institute for Eclectic Psychology (IEP) in the Netherlands; The Japan NLP Training Center and NLP Comprehensive with Steve and Connirae Andreas. Throughout his career, Tim has trained thousands of highly effective NLPers, who are making their mark in the world. Tim's own institute, which he runs with his wife and partner Kris, the NLP and Coaching Institute is an internationally recognized institute, NLPCA is known for its quality of training and high integrity. Tim has also organized and taught over 60 NLP Practitioner Trainings at his own institutes, and has thousands of satisfied graduates. He and Kris are the co-developers of the Dynamic Spin Release™ processes, which they have been developing since March of 2008. In November of 2009, they were the keynote speakers at International NLP Conference in London on Dynamic Spin Release™. Tim's NLP history includes: Learning NLP in the early 80's from both Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Tim was the President of the National Association of NLP in 1990, which later became the International Association for NLP. He co-founded and was the President of the International Institute for the Advanced Studies in Health (IASH) with Robert Dilts and Suzi Smith, where today he is an advisor. He co-founded Anchorpoint Institute with Suzi Smith, where in addition to doing training programs, he published Anchor Point NLP Journal - which was the most widely read NLP publication in the world at that time; it was delivered to more than 30 countries. Tim is on the Advisory Council of the NLP Research and Recognition Project. Tim was also a licensed Psychotherapist from 1978-1999, when he began an active coach practice that he still maintains. He still offers breakthrough sessions to individuals by application. Tim and his wife Kris currently live in Salt Lake City, Utah. His other website is: NLP and Coaching Institute,

Tommy Doo

Job Titles:
  • Certified Trainer of Neuro
Tommy Doo is one of the pioneers of the NLP industry in Asia, providing NLP training both for individual and corporate in Hong Kong, Macau and China, having trained more than 10,000 organizational leaders. Tommy is a certified trainer of Neuro- Linguistic Programming. He is also a certified Instructor of Hypnosis and a certified Trainer of NLP Coach. He is the author of the best selling book "NLP in Coaching". He work in the field of human potential since 1998. The extensive travels throughout 16 countries of 4 continentals help make his presentations stimulating and unique. And he has its NLP Practitioner course included in the list of Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Courses in Hong Kong. Before a course can be granted this funding, it has to be thoroughly assessed by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation on its training contents, qualifications and experience of trainer so as to ensure quality. Tommy believes that everyone has the resources to achieve their desired dreams and everyone can be a genius in their unique area of excellence.

Zainal Abidin Rahman

Job Titles:
  • Accountant
  • NLP Trainer and Coach Operating
Zainal is an internationally recognized NLP Trainer and Coach operating out of Singapore. After several years in a senior position in a large organization, Zainal left his job and became the founder of a busy and thriving training business. The company that he founded is called Competence Strategies International, and provides practical, skill-based training and coaching services to corporations and individuals, using NLP as the core change technology. Zainal also works with students, and has helped thousands of them cope better with their studies and develop a positive abundant mindset. His training/coaching work brings him to other Asian countries, as well. Zainal is a qualified accountant and has taught at several MBA programs. He received his Masters Degree in Human Resource Development from the George Washington University. His expertise in Profit and Loss Statements and Balance Sheets combined with his NLP skills makes him a congruently powerful presenter of the WealtyMind™ program. He facilitates the powerful principles of The WealthyMind™ Program both through his 2 day workshops and through one-on-one coaching. Zainal lives in Singapore with his wife and has 3 grown-up children whose performance in school and in their outside life gave him much pride.