Updated 8 days ago
2414 Boston Post Rd, Guilford CT 06437, USA
Thomas Industries has been in the auction, liquidation, and appraisal business since 1947 and has become recognized as a leading provider of complete asset management services. As a uniquely structured company, Thomas Industries provides consulting, appraisals, acquisitions, repossessions, and workouts of all types. The utilization of internet sales technologies and global marketing strategies has enabled Thomas Industries to expand their services and compete among the top firms...
Since 1947, Thomas Industries has been a trusted leader in auctions, liquidations, and appraisals, offering a full range of asset management services. The company's diverse structure allows it to provide consulting, appraisals, acquisitions, repossessions, and workout services across various industries...
Find Auctions, Marketplace and other equipment for sale at Thomas Auction.