Updated 13 days ago
2. In the immediate neighborhood of; in contiguity or proximity to; near, as to place; by or on (ones person)... 3. Over or upon different parts of; through or over in various directions; here and there in; to and fro in; throughout... An interception or obscuration of the light of the sun, moon, or other luminous body, by the intervention of some other body, either between it and the eye, or between the luminous body and that illuminated by it. A lunar eclipse is caused by the moon passing through the earths shadow; a solar eclipse, by the moon coming between the sun and the observer. A satellite is eclipsed by entering the shadow of its primary. The obscuration of a planet or star by the moon or a planet, though of the nature of an eclipse, is called an occultation. The eclipse of a small portion of the sun by Mercury or Venus is called a transit of the planet. The loss, usually temporary or partial, of light, brilliancy, luster, honor, consciousness, etc. ; obscuration; gloom;..