Primary Contacts

Lingailiu str. 5, LT-79241 Siauliai

Other Addresses

European Union countries, Scandinavia, and the United Kingdom since 1991
Lingailiu str. 5a, LT-79241 Siauliai
Lingailiu str. 8, LT-79241 Siauliai

Other Phones

+370 41 502185
+370 599 2908
+370 652 16825
+370 652 55952
+370 656 13255
+370 656 13292
+370 656 13382
+370 658 56581
+370 698 72340
+370 699 64337
++370 675 99499
+370 41 502 184
+370 698 30560
+491 727 130158

Other Emails