Austin Nichols

Job Titles:
  • Analytics and Associate
  • Analytics and Performance Expert
Austin is a researcher and statistician with over 15 years of experience. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology and M.S. in Management from the University of Florida. Throughout his studies and beyond, he focuses on the science of science. In particular, he studies how research is done, how it can be improved, and what the best ways to measure important concepts are. In addition, he recently coedited a book on advanced research methods and statistics and is currently working on a reference volume on the same topics. In addition to his specialty in research and statistics, he conducts research at the intersection between business and psychology. In particular, he focuses much of his research on leadership, understanding what people desire in leaders and how various aspects of leadership affect various employee outcomes and organizational success. Austin is TU's analytics and performance expert. He applies his methods, research and experience to help the TU team measure and improve Trust levels with everyone we work with. He has also served in various faculty positions, teaching courses related to statistics, research methods, business, and psychology, in seven different countries. His work has resulted in over three dozen peer-reviewed articles in some of the top journals in various fields.

Darryl Stickel - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Executive
  • Founder
Darryl is one of the world's leading experts on trust. He teaches leaders how to find and use their most powerful tool. A tool that is always in a leader's control, how to effectively build trust in their relationships. Darryl is an unshakable force of positivity and brings the best out of people. His personal trials have strengthened his resolve and character to be a positive force for Trust. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Dr. Stickel is an executive coach with over 20 years of experience focused on Trust. His PhD "Building Trust in Hostile Environments" from Duke University established his unique and practical approach to Building Trust. He worked as a consultant with McKinsey & Company and has taught his methods at Universities and in Boardrooms around the world. He continues to advise and coach C suite executives and delivers Trust workshops to small and large audiences.

Eric Lott

Job Titles:
  • Organizational Consultant
  • Team and Trust Coach
Eric is an organizational consultant specializing in projects, teams, building trust and programs of change. Eric combines a deep understanding of trust, team performance and collaborative problem-solving to achieve results in difficult and complex situations. Eric brings 25 years of experience taking leadership roles in challenges focused on delivering business results in operational settings through the adoption of new and old technology. Eric's 15 years of operational experience as a Naval officer and 20 years of consultant work has taken him from coast to coast in Canada and internationally where he has worked with small and large teams, lead and implemented change and technology programs in complex systems. Eric has studied and applied lean-agile practices in balance with traditional approaches to getting things done and adopts a way of working that fits the current situation and challenge. His passion for high-performance, trust-building and moving forward has allowed him to find success in the face of these challenges. Eric is a capable and effective coach, teammate and leader. He believes the biggest compliment is to be recruited to join a team. He believes in dialogue, transparency, collaboration and striving for excellence. Eric's foundation as a leader, coordinator and strategist has allowed him to drop into situations and establish footing to effect system change, through the focused and intentional design, implementation, and transformation of organizational capabilities.