TROPHIES - Key Persons

Lois Ingraham

In 1947, the Ingraham family - Clyde, Lois and Robin (only six years old), moved to Merced from Louisiana and two years later opened a small Jewelry store on Main Street. Clyde's talent for designing jewelry and setting diamonds soon crossed over to hand engraving on custom trophies. In 1956 Clyde's son, Robin Ingraham, Sr. learned to engrave at age fifteen. A year later, Robin Sr. began selling trophies in bowling allies, which marked the company's true growth into awards. In 1965, the jewelry store expanded to include a complete line of awards and the trophy department occupied an adjoining building and was overseen by Robin Sr. In 1972 the business suffered the loss of its patriarch, Clyde, leaving Lois and Robin Sr. to run the business. A mere nine years later, the business was tested as few are when on March 17, 1981, the building housing our business was arsoned and was burned into almost complete loss. Our business overcame numerous difficulties of an insurance short fall, lost business time, operating from a temporary location, and two relocations in this trying time. The jewelry segment of the business continued until Lois' retirement in 1988.