TURNER - Key Persons
Shawn Turner has lived in Paducah, KY all her life. She has been passionate about the communications field since 1975. She spent 26 years with Wright Businesses who was an interconnect company (selling telephone, intercom, paging systems, etc.), a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) and also began the first facility based long distance company in 1973 at divestiture.
In 2000, Shawn went to work opening and managing a new office in Paducah for KW Communications who was headquartered in Owensboro, KY. She expanded their 50 year old outside plant construction business to include telephone system sales, networking, BellSouth services, circuit sales, internet, and long distance services.
She purchased the Paducah division in 2009 and changed the name to Turner Communications, LLC. At that time the company became a 100% service aggregator selling communication services, representing 70+ carriers nationwide and also providing telecom consulting services.