VEE DESIGN - Key Persons

Adam McEllister

Job Titles:
  • Landscape Architect

Aiden Dunne

Job Titles:
  • Landscape Architect
  • Graduate Landscape Architect
Despite the early stage in his career as a Landscape Architect, Aiden has worked in a diverse range of environments across his working journey and has developed effective transferable skills, including a strong understanding of construction principles and practices, which ground his attention to detail when working on complex problems that require a high-quality outcome - all of which have made him a highly valued member of the Vee team. In addition, Aiden is a very astute drafter with an aptitude for detailed documentation, essential for Landscape Architects to document design solutions both above and below ground. He takes consideration of the greater context of the design within the planning scheme.

Alex Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Landscape Architect
Alex is a Senior Landscape Architect with over 5 years' experience working within the profession. He has a passion for creating thriving local places with unique place identity and character. Through every aspect of a project, Alex takes pride in the work he produces with a strong attention to detail. Alex has been involved in a range of projects with a strong passion in creating innovative landscapes which reflect the culture and environment in which they are located. He has an ability to see projects through from inception and idea development through to concept design and construction documentation. Alex has a keen interest in innovation within the landscape profession and is invested in challenging business-as-usual approaches to landscape design and execution. He has a strong belief that we are always learning and keeps up-to-date on new research and innovative approaches to design development.

Amy Stephens

Job Titles:
  • Business Manager
With 5 years' of experience as a Practice Manager, across various organisations, Amy offers a breadth of skills to the team at Vee, that helps set both our Veeps and our Clients up for success.

Dan Greenwood

Job Titles:
  • Senior Landscape Architect
With a born passion for gardening, a flair for design, and a raft of experience in construction documentation and a welcoming persona, Dan is a truly valuable member to the Vee team, and the projects he works on.

David Hatherly

Job Titles:
  • Director

Gareth Eagle

Job Titles:
  • Consulting Construction Manager
People will never know how a place was designed, people will rarely know who designed it, but people will always remember how it made them feel.

Holly Peacock

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Landscape Architect
Holly has over 6 years experience within the profession of Landscape Architecture. Since graduating, Holly has also been employed part- time as a seasonal tutor at QUT in Landscape Design and Visualisation (computer and hand graphics). Holly has been recognised as an innovative and exceptional designer by way of being a recipient of multiple accolades, reinforced by the continual request to teach this process to university students. Holly's approach to design combines boldness and practicality, experimenting with new ideas and solutions. Holly is passionate about the practice and application of landscape architecture, using every opportunity to create unique and vibrant places. Her talents lie in her ability to think about the bigger picture, constructing strong and motivating concepts to address every scale, element and form within the landscape. She has experience in mentoring, large scale city and estate Master Planning, Strategic Planning, Conceptual Design, Community Consultation, Detailed Design, Construction Documentation and Client Workshops.

Jehyun Lee

Job Titles:
  • Landscape Architect

Lucy Cooper

Job Titles:
  • Landscape Architect
Lucy has 5 years of experience working within the design Industry, receiving her Bachelor of Design, Honours in Landscape Architecture in 2019. Lucy found her passion for landscape early within her life, jumping straight into her studies after graduating high school, hungry for a career within the design industry.

Matthew Carleton

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Landscape Architect
Matthew has over six years' experience within the profession of Landscape Architecture. Along with Matthew's Bachelor of Design majoring in Landscape Architecture & Construction Management, he has completed a Diploma of Horticulture and Certificate II & III in Landscape Construction.

Michael Zysvelt

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Landscape Architect

Paul Morris

Job Titles:
  • Associate Director