VISTALYNK - Key Persons

Molly Prues - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Molly is a gerontologist and has over 25 years of experience working with older adults and their families. In addition to her professional work with families, she journeyed alongside her mother for 12 years, as a caregiver and daughter. Molly founded VistaLynk to promote awareness and develop solutions to reframe our vision of aging and caregiving. Molly works continuously to develop trainings to better prepare professionals from various fields to better understand and address the unique needs of older adults. In addition, she is passionate about empowering older adults and their families. She delivers workshops and seminars in the community to educate individuals and family caregivers on how to access supportive services for themselves and their loved ones. In 2017, Molly worked on a task force formed by the City of Cincinnati to help Cincinnati become an AARP Livable Community. She developed a comprehensive plan to educate local officials and community leaders on the benefits of becoming an AARP Livable Community, as well provided a detailed analysis of the City's resources and community assets available to support the initiative. She is a member of the Gerontological Society of America and the American Society on Aging. She is the author of Caring for One Another: A Practical Guide to Caregiving™.