CRD - History of Changes

2024-10-31 delete person Mark Groulx
2024-10-31 delete person Tanya Duthie
2024-10-31 delete phone 250.474.3351
2024-10-31 delete phone 250.538.4302
2024-10-31 insert person Denise Dionne
2024-10-31 insert person Fran Delgadillo Lopez
2024-10-31 insert person Patrick Klassen
2024-10-31 insert person Peter Kickham
2024-10-31 insert person Varinia Somosan
2024-10-31 insert phone 250.360.3124
2024-10-31 insert phone 250.360.3163
2024-10-31 update person_title Stephen Henderson: Senior Manager of Real Estate => Senior Manager, Real Estate & SGI Initiatives
2024-10-31 update person_title Steve Carey: Senior Manager, Legal Services => Senior Manager, Legal Services & Risk Management
2024-09-30 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-29 delete person Daniela Marquez
2024-08-29 delete person Karla Campbell
2024-08-29 delete person Rianna Lachance
2024-08-29 delete phone 250.360.3043
2024-08-29 delete phone 250.360.3129
2024-08-29 delete phone 250.388.1690
2024-08-29 delete source_ip
2024-08-29 insert person Dan Ovington
2024-08-29 insert person Quais Al-Rawi
2024-08-29 insert phone 1.855.822.4426
2024-08-29 insert phone 250.538.4302
2024-08-29 insert source_ip
2024-08-29 update person_title Chris Hauff: Senior Manager, Information Technology & GIS => Senior Manager, Technology & Digital Transformation
2024-08-29 update person_title Tanya Duthie: Manager, Administrative Services => Manager, Administrative Services; Manager, Corporate Initiatives & Administration
2024-08-29 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2024-07-10 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2024-06-07 delete address 108 - 121 McPhillips Avenue Salt Spring Island, V8K 2T6
2024-06-07 delete address 479 Island Highway Victoria, V9B 1H7
2024-06-07 delete address 5401 Pat Bay Highway Victoria, V9B 3S6
2024-06-07 delete address 631 Fisgard Street (access via corner of Fisgard & Government) Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
2024-06-07 delete address JdF Building Inspection 3 - 7450 Butler Road Sooke, V9Z 1N1
2024-06-07 delete address SGI Building Inspection PO Box 1000, 625 Fisgard Street Victoria, V8W 2S6
2024-06-07 delete address SSI Building Inspection 206-118 Fulford-Ganges Road Salt Spring Island, V8K 2S4
2024-06-07 delete person Emily Sinclair
2024-06-07 delete person Larisa Hutcheson
2024-06-07 insert address 108 - 121 McPhillips Avenue Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2T6
2024-06-07 insert address 3 - 7450 Butler Road Sooke, BC V9Z 1N1
2024-06-07 insert address 479 Island Highway Victoria, BC V9B 1H7
2024-06-07 insert address 5401 Pat Bay Highway Victoria, BC V9B 3S6
2024-06-07 insert address 631 Fisgard Street (access via 625 Fisgard Street) Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
2024-06-07 insert address PO Box 1000, 625 Fisgard Street Victoria, BC V8W 2S6
2024-06-07 insert address SSI Building Inspection 206 - 118 Fulford-Ganges Road Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2S4
2024-06-07 insert person Luisa Jones
2024-03-11 delete otherexecutives Jeremy Caradonna
2024-03-11 insert otherexecutives Maja Tait
2024-03-11 delete address 1 Hartland Avenue Victoria V9E 1L7
2024-03-11 delete address 2168 Phillips Road Sooke, V9Z 0J3
2024-03-11 delete person Jan van Niekerk
2024-03-11 delete person Jeff Leahy
2024-03-11 delete person Ross Cameron
2024-03-11 delete phone 250.385.4399
2024-03-11 insert address 1 Hartland Avenue Victoria, BC V9E 1L7
2024-03-11 insert address 124 Rainbow Road Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2V5
2024-03-11 insert address 2168 Phillips Road Sooke, BC V9Z 0J3
2024-03-11 insert address 262 Rainbow Road Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2M3
2024-03-11 insert address 490 Atkins Avenue Victoria, BC V9B 2Z8
2024-03-11 insert person Jeffrey Milne
2024-03-11 insert person Mike MacIntyre
2024-03-11 insert phone 236.470.0186
2024-03-11 insert phone 250.538.4250
2024-03-11 update person_title Jeremy Caradonna: Director => CRHC Vice - Chair
2024-03-11 update person_title Maja Tait: Vice - Chair, CRHC Vice - Chair => Director
2024-03-11 update person_title Marie-Térèse Little: Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Committee of the Whole; Director => Vice - Chair
2023-08-17 delete person Ian Jesney
2023-08-17 insert person Alicia Fraser
2023-08-17 insert person Daniela Marquez
2023-08-17 insert phone 250.360.3061
2023-08-17 insert phone 250.360.3129
2023-08-17 update person_title Carolyn Jenkinson: Manager, Executive Administration => Manager, Executive Operations
2023-08-17 update person_title Joseph Marr: Acting Senior Manager, Infrastructure Engineering => Senior Manager, Infrastructure Engineering
2023-07-14 delete person David Hennigan
2023-07-14 delete phone 250.360.3141
2023-07-14 insert person Chris Hauff
2023-07-14 insert phone 250.360.3633
2023-07-14 update person_title Stephen Henderson: Manager of Real Estate => Senior Manager of Real Estate
2023-07-14 update person_title Steve Carey: Manager, Legal Services => Senior Manager, Legal Services
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Blackwell, Denise
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Haynes, Fred
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Isitt, Ben
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Loveday, Jeremy
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Martin, Rob
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Mersereau, Rebecca
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Orr, Geoff
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Ranns, John
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Seaton, Lanny
2023-01-21 delete otherexecutives Taylor, Ned
2023-01-21 delete person Blackwell, Denise
2023-01-21 delete person Haynes, Fred
2023-01-21 delete person Isitt, Ben
2023-01-21 delete person Loveday, Jeremy
2023-01-21 delete person Martin, Rob
2023-01-21 delete person Mersereau, Rebecca
2023-01-21 delete person Orr, Geoff
2023-01-21 delete person Ranns, John
2023-01-21 delete person Seaton, Lanny
2023-01-21 delete person Taylor, Ned
2023-01-21 update person_title Goodmanson, Scott: Director => Director / Vice Chair ); Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Transportation Committee; Vice Chair of the Governance Committee; Member of Committee of the Whole; Director
2023-01-21 update person_title Jones, Peter: Director => Director / Vice Chair ); Member of Committee of the Whole; Director; Vice Chair of the Finance Committee; Member of the Governance Committee
2023-01-21 update person_title Murdoch, Kevin: Chairman of the Governance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director => Member of Committee of the Whole; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2023-01-21 update person_title Szpak, Lillian: Director => Vice Chair of Transportation Committee; Director / Vice Chair ); Member of Committee of the Whole; Director
2023-01-21 update person_title Williams, Ken: Director / Vice Chair ); Director; Vice Chair of the Finance Committee => Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Committee of the Whole; Director
2023-01-21 update person_title Windsor, Ryan: Director / Vice Chair ); Member of the Finance Committee; Vice Chair of the Governance Committee; Director => Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Committee of the Whole; Director
2022-12-20 delete otherexecutives Hicks, Mike
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Alto, Marianne
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Caradonna, Jeremy
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Coleman, Chris
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Goodmanson, Scott
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Jones, Peter
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Kobayashi, Doug
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Little, Marie-Terese
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Murdock, Dean
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Szpak, Lillian
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Thompson, David
2022-12-20 insert otherexecutives Tobias, Sid
2022-12-20 delete person Hicks, Mike
2022-12-20 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-20 insert person Alto, Marianne
2022-12-20 insert person Caradonna, Jeremy
2022-12-20 insert person Coleman, Chris
2022-12-20 insert person Goodmanson, Scott
2022-12-20 insert person Jones, Peter
2022-12-20 insert person Kobayashi, Doug
2022-12-20 insert person Little, Marie-Terese
2022-12-20 insert person Murdock, Dean
2022-12-20 insert person Szpak, Lillian
2022-12-20 insert person Thompson, David
2022-12-20 insert person Tobias, Sid
2022-12-20 insert person de Vries, Zac
2022-12-20 update person_title Loveday, Jeremy: Vice Chair of Transportation Committee; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director => Vice Chair of Transportation Committee; Member of the Finance Committee; Director
2022-12-20 update person_title Paul Brent: Director, Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area => Director, Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area Director Profile
2022-12-20 update person_title Tait, Maja: Member of Transportation Committee; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Director / Vice Chair ); Member of Transportation Committee; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2022-11-18 delete otherexecutives Robert Lapham
2022-11-18 insert otherexecutives Ted Robbins
2022-11-18 delete address 625 Fisgard Street (access via corner of Fisgard & Government) Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
2022-11-18 delete person Robert Lapham
2022-11-18 delete phone 250.474.9502
2022-11-18 insert person Joseph Marr
2022-11-18 insert phone 250.391.3162
2022-11-18 insert phone 250.474.9656
2022-11-18 insert phone 250.708.2258
2022-11-18 update person_description Ian Jesney => Ian Jesney
2022-11-18 update person_title Ian Jesney: Senior Manager, Infrastructure Engineering => Acting General Manager; Acting General Manager of Integrated Water Services
2022-11-18 update person_title Ted Robbins: General Manager; General Manager of Integrated Water Services => Chief Administrative Officer; CAO
2022-10-17 delete address 2782 Spencer Road Anson Road Dock Facility
2022-10-17 delete person Kevin Kim
2022-10-17 delete person Matthew McCrank
2022-10-17 delete phone 250.360.5673
2022-10-17 insert person Jason Dales
2022-10-17 insert person Nikki Elliott
2022-10-17 insert phone 250.360.3048
2022-09-16 delete person Kylah Bryde
2022-09-16 insert person Melanie Alsdorf
2022-07-15 delete otherexecutives Howe, Dave
2022-07-15 delete person Howe, Dave
2022-07-15 delete phone 250.475.4321
2022-07-15 delete phone 250.629.3475
2022-07-15 insert address 625 Fisgard Street (access via corner of Fisgard & Government) Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
2022-07-15 insert address 631 Fisgard Street (access via corner of Fisgard & Government) Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
2022-07-15 insert phone 604.760.9975
2022-05-14 update person_title Loveday, Jeremy: Vice Chair of Transportation Committee; Member of the Finance Committee; Director => Vice Chair of Transportation Committee; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2022-04-13 update person_title Iain Lawrence: Manager, JDF Electoral Area Planning => Senior Manager, JDF Local Area Services
2022-03-14 delete otherexecutives Marlene Lagoa
2022-03-14 insert otherexecutives Kristen Morley
2022-03-14 insert otherexecutives Lisa Helps
2022-03-14 delete person James Lam
2022-03-14 delete phone 1.888.754.1397
2022-03-14 delete phone 250.391.3162
2022-03-14 delete phone 800.884.0919
2022-03-14 insert address 2782 Spencer Road Anson Road Dock Facility
2022-03-14 insert person Chris Gilpin
2022-03-14 insert person Mark Groulx
2022-03-14 insert phone 1.800.665.7899
2022-03-14 insert phone 1.833.931.3585
2022-03-14 insert phone 1.855.622.7722
2022-03-14 insert phone 1.866.665.6626
2022-03-14 insert phone 250.388.7722
2022-03-14 insert phone 250.474.3351
2022-03-14 insert phone 250.475.5599
2022-03-14 insert phone 250.616.0233
2022-03-14 insert phone 250.727.3331
2022-03-14 insert phone 250.748.3395
2022-03-14 update person_title Kristen Morley: General Manager of Corporate Services => Member of the CRD Board; Corporate Officer; General Manager of Corporate Services
2022-03-14 update person_title Lisa Helps: CRHC Chair => Director
2022-03-14 update person_title Marlene Lagoa: Member of the CRD Board; Corporate Officer; Manager, Legislative Services => Member of the CRD Board; Manager, Legislative Services; Deputy Corporate Officer
2022-03-14 update person_title Rebecca Mersereau: Vice - Chair => CRD Vice - Chair, CRHD Acting Chair
2021-10-01 delete person Steve Knoke
2021-10-01 insert person Kylah Bryde
2021-07-30 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-07-30 delete person Don Brown
2021-07-30 delete phone 250.474.3351
2021-07-30 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-05-28 delete phone 250.360.3081
2021-05-28 delete phone 250.360.3175
2021-05-28 delete phone 250.360.3655
2021-05-28 delete phone 250.474.9662
2021-05-28 insert person Caitlyn Vernon
2021-05-28 insert person Lia Xu
2021-05-28 insert phone 250-940-7402
2021-05-28 insert phone 250.360.3033
2021-05-28 update person_title Marlene Lagoa: Member of the CRD Board; Corporate Officer; Acting Manager, Legislative Services => Member of the CRD Board; Corporate Officer; Manager, Legislative Services
2021-04-12 insert otherexecutives Marlene Lagoa
2021-04-12 delete phone 1.844.815.6132
2021-04-12 insert phone 250.940.7400
2021-04-12 update person_title Marlene Lagoa: Member of the CRD Board; Acting Deputy Corporate Officer; Acting Manager, Legislative Services => Member of the CRD Board; Corporate Officer; Acting Manager, Legislative Services
2021-02-17 delete person Carlo Vijandre
2021-02-17 delete person John Reilly
2021-02-17 insert person Shayne Irg
2021-02-17 insert phone 250.474.9661
2021-02-17 update person_title Matthew McCrank: Senior Manager, Infrastructure Operations => Senior Manager, Wastewater Infrastructure Operations
2021-01-17 delete otherexecutives Rebecca Mersereau
2021-01-17 delete person Brame, Meagan
2021-01-17 delete person Christine Culham
2021-01-17 delete person Ney, Tara
2021-01-17 insert person Green, Cairine
2021-01-17 insert person Hundleby, Lynda
2021-01-17 insert person Kevin Kim
2021-01-17 insert phone 250.360.5673
2021-01-17 update person_description Larisa Hutcheson => Larisa Hutcheson
2021-01-17 update person_title Denise Blackwell: Vice - Chair, CRHD Chair => CRHD Chair
2021-01-17 update person_title Don Elliott: Manager, Aboriginal Initiatives => Senior Manager, Regional Housing
2021-01-17 update person_title Rebecca Mersereau: Director => Vice - Chair
2020-10-04 delete person Emilie Gorman
2020-10-04 delete phone 250.642.8105
2020-10-04 insert person Marlene Lagoa
2020-06-27 delete person Carlos Vijandre
2020-06-27 insert person Carlo Vijandre
2020-06-27 insert person Mike Taylor
2020-06-27 update person_title Chris Neilson: Senior Manager, Human Resources & Organizational Development => Senior Manager, Human Resources and Corporate Safety
2020-01-26 delete person Agnes Piotrowski
2020-01-26 delete person Robert Gutierrez
2020-01-26 delete person Rogers, John
2020-01-26 insert person Lajeunesse, Dana
2020-01-26 insert person Lemon, Gery
2019-12-25 delete phone 250.391.7310
2019-12-25 delete phone 877.391.7310
2019-12-25 insert phone 866.353.3136
2019-11-25 delete person Signe Bagh
2019-11-25 insert person Emily Sinclair
2019-08-26 delete otherexecutives Parkinson, Brenda
2019-08-26 delete person Parkinson, Brenda
2019-08-26 insert person Canada Goose
2019-08-26 insert phone 250.360.3015
2019-06-27 delete phone 250.727.3331
2019-06-27 insert phone 250.360.3030
2019-06-27 insert phone 250.642.8103
2019-06-27 insert phone 250.642.8105
2019-06-27 insert phone 250.642.8109
2019-05-20 delete address 490 Atkins Avenue Victoria, BC V9B 2Z8
2019-04-17 insert otherexecutives Parkinson, Brenda
2019-04-17 delete person Sue Hallatt
2019-04-17 delete phone 250.360.3285
2019-04-17 insert person Agnes Piotrowski
2019-04-17 insert person Carlos Vijandre
2019-04-17 insert person Don Elliott
2019-04-17 insert person Jeff Leahy
2019-04-17 insert person Justine Starke
2019-04-17 insert person Parkinson, Brenda
2019-04-17 insert person Ross Cameron
2019-04-17 insert person Steve Carey
2019-04-17 insert person Tanya Duthie
2019-04-17 insert phone 250.360.3128
2019-04-17 insert phone 250.360.3175
2019-04-17 insert phone 250.360.3274
2019-04-17 insert phone 250.360.3655
2019-04-17 update person_title Chris Neilson: Senior Manager, Human Resources => Senior Manager, Human Resources & Organizational Development
2019-04-17 update person_title Emilie Gorman: Member of the CRD Board; Deputy Corporate Officer => Member of the CRD Board; Manager, Legislative Services; Deputy Corporate Officer
2019-04-17 update person_title Iain Lawrence: Manager, Local Area Planning => Manager, JDF Electoral Area Planning
2019-04-17 update person_title James Lam: Manager, Arts Development => Manager, Arts & Culture
2019-04-17 update person_title Michael Barnes: Manager, Health and Capital Planning Strategies => Senior Manager, Health and Capital Planning
2019-03-17 insert phone 250.882.9302
2019-02-13 delete phone 250.361.0216
2019-02-13 delete phone 250.655.5451
2019-02-13 delete phone 250.882.6261
2019-02-13 insert phone 250.629.3475
2019-01-10 update website_status InternalLimits => OK
2019-01-10 delete chairman McIntyre, Wayne
2019-01-10 delete chairman Plant, Colin
2019-01-10 delete chairman Steve Price
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Alice Finall
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Alto, Marianne
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Atwell, Richard
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Brickenden, Dal
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Dean Murdock
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Hamilton, Carol
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Jensen, Nils
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Lisa Helps
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives McIntyre, Wayne
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Murdock, Dean
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Price, Steve
2019-01-10 delete otherexecutives Richard Atwell
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Cliff McNeil-Smith
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Geoff Orr
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Haynes, Fred
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Holman, Gary
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Loveday, Jeremy
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Martin, Rob
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives McNeil-Smith, Cliff
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Mersereau, Rebecca
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Murdoch, Kevin
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Ned Taylor
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Orr, Geoff
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Rebecca Mersereau
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Rob Martin
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Susan Brice
2019-01-10 insert otherexecutives Taylor, Ned
2019-01-10 delete address 145 Vesuvius Bay Road Salt Spring Island, V8K 1K3
2019-01-10 delete person Alice Finall
2019-01-10 delete person Alto, Marianne
2019-01-10 delete person Atwell, Richard
2019-01-10 delete person Bremner-Mitchell, Erin
2019-01-10 delete person Brickenden, Dal
2019-01-10 delete person Dean Murdock
2019-01-10 delete person Hamilton, Carol
2019-01-10 delete person Jensen, Nils
2019-01-10 delete person McIntyre, Wayne
2019-01-10 delete person Murdock, Dean
2019-01-10 delete person Price, Steve
2019-01-10 delete person Richard Atwell
2019-01-10 delete person Steve Price
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.216.2333
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.216.5618
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.216.5802
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.216.5970
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.298.6354
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.361.0348
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.370.2635
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.384.5451
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.388.7875
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.414.7111
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.474.3677
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.474.6298
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.475.5440
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.478.3357
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.478.3446
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.478.6169
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.478.7516
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.478.7864
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.514.1439
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.538.0009
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.598.6209
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.598.9108
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.642.0541
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.642.5274
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.652.0135
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.656.3155
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.656.7056
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.727.2008
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.727.9551
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.812.2782
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.812.4146
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.857-0839
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.882.0549
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.882.5481
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.882.9302
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.885.8539
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.888.7044
2019-01-10 delete phone 250.889.0242
2019-01-10 insert address 108 - 121 McPhillips Avenue Salt Spring Island, V8K 2T6
2019-01-10 insert person Cliff McNeil-Smith
2019-01-10 insert person Epp, Sharie
2019-01-10 insert person Geoff Orr
2019-01-10 insert person Haynes, Fred
2019-01-10 insert person Holman, Gary
2019-01-10 insert person Martin, Rob
2019-01-10 insert person McNeil-Smith, Cliff
2019-01-10 insert person Mersereau, Rebecca
2019-01-10 insert person Murdoch, Kevin
2019-01-10 insert person Ned Taylor
2019-01-10 insert person Orr, Geoff
2019-01-10 insert person Rebecca Mersereau
2019-01-10 insert person Rob Martin
2019-01-10 insert person Taylor, Ned
2019-01-10 insert phone 250.538.4307
2019-01-10 insert phone 250.882.6261
2019-01-10 update person_title Blackwell, Denise: Director / Vice Chair ); Director; Vice Chair of the Finance Committee => Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2019-01-10 update person_title Brice, Susan: Director / Vice Chair ); Member of Transportation Committee; Chairman of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director => Member of Transportation Committee; Director
2019-01-10 update person_title David Screech: Vice - Chair => CRHC Vice - Chair
2019-01-10 update person_title Lisa Helps: Director => CRHC Chair
2019-01-10 update person_title Loveday, Jeremy: Councillor => Member of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2019-01-10 update person_title Plant, Colin: Chairman; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Director / Vice Chair ); Councillor; Ex Officio; Member of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2019-01-10 update person_title Susan Brice: CRHD Vice - Chair => Director
2018-11-07 update website_status OK => InternalLimits
2018-08-31 delete person June Klassen
2018-08-31 delete person Michael Walton
2018-08-31 delete person Patricia Lee
2018-08-31 delete phone 250.360.3120
2018-06-04 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2018-06-04 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2018-06-04 insert person Bremner-Mitchell, Erin
2018-04-12 update person_title Carolyn Jenkinson: Executive Assistant to the CAO and Board Chair => Manager; CAO and Board Chair
2018-04-12 update person_title Emilie Gorman: Member of the CRD Board; Acting Corporate Officer; Deputy Corporate Officer => Member of the CRD Board; Deputy Corporate Officer
2018-04-12 update person_title Howe, Dave: Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice Chair; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice Chair; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2018-03-03 delete otherexecutives Brent Reems
2018-03-03 delete otherexecutives David Screech
2018-03-03 insert chairman Fairbairn, Don
2018-03-03 insert chairman Hicks, Mike
2018-03-03 insert chairman McIntyre, Wayne
2018-03-03 insert otherexecutives Brickenden, Dal
2018-03-03 delete person Amber Donaldson
2018-03-03 delete person Bird, Jane
2018-03-03 delete person Brent Reems
2018-03-03 delete person Burke, Jim
2018-03-03 delete person Fairburn, Don
2018-03-03 delete person Jennifer Grelson
2018-03-03 delete person John Goodwin
2018-03-03 delete person McKinnon, Don
2018-03-03 delete person Paterson, Kate
2018-03-03 delete person Rachael Tancock
2018-03-03 delete person Szijarto, Mario
2018-03-03 delete phone 250.360.3035
2018-03-03 delete phone 250.360.3108
2018-03-03 delete phone 250.360.3128
2018-03-03 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2018-03-03 insert email
2018-03-03 insert person Bell, Debra
2018-03-03 insert person Brickenden, Dal
2018-03-03 insert person Carolyn Jenkinson
2018-03-03 insert person Emilie Gorman
2018-03-03 insert person Fairbairn, Don
2018-03-03 insert person Kristen Morley
2018-03-03 insert person Matt Curtis
2018-03-03 insert person Natalie Bobrowich
2018-03-03 insert person Rianna Lachance
2018-03-03 insert person Sharon Byrch
2018-03-03 insert person Stephen Henderson
2018-03-03 insert phone 250.360.3043
2018-03-03 insert phone 250.360.3136
2018-03-03 insert phone 250.360.3138
2018-03-03 insert phone 250.360.3638
2018-03-03 insert phone 250.360.3639
2018-03-03 insert phone 250.656.1055
2018-03-03 update person_title Atwell, Richard: Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Member of Transportation Committee; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director => Member of Transportation Committee; Director
2018-03-03 update person_title Blackwell, Denise: Member of the Executive Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Director => Member of the Executive Committee; Director / Vice Chair ); Director; Vice Chair of the Finance Committee
2018-03-03 update person_title Brice, Susan: Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Member of the Finance Committee; Chairman of Transportation Committee; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Director / Vice Chair ); Member of Transportation Committee; Chairman of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2018-03-03 update person_title David Screech: Director => Vice - Chair
2018-03-03 update person_title Desjardins, Barbara: Member of the Executive Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Transportation Committee; Ex Officio; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Member of the Executive Committee; Director / Vice Chair ); Vice Chair of the Governance Committee; Director
2018-03-03 update person_title Hamilton, Carol: Chairman of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Member of Transportation Committee; Director
2018-03-03 update person_title Hicks, Mike: Chairman of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director => Chairman; Director
2018-03-03 update person_title Howe, Dave: Chairman of the Executive Committee; Chairman of Board, Committees; Chairman of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice Chair; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2018-03-03 update person_title Jensen, Nils: Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Vice Chair of the Governance Committee; Director => Member of the Finance Committee; Chairman of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2018-03-03 update person_title June Klassen: Manager, Service Delivery, Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area; Manager, Service Delivery, SGI Electoral Area => Manager, Service Delivery, SGI Electoral Area
2018-03-03 update person_title McIntyre, Wayne: Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Vice Chair of Transportation Committee; Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2018-03-03 update person_title Price, Steve: Vice Chair of Transportation Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Ex Officio; Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Transportation Committee; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2018-03-03 update person_title Ranns, John: Member of Board, Committees; Chairman of the Governance Committee; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director => Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2018-03-03 update person_title Tait, Maja: Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman of Board, Committees; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director / Chair ); Director => Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2018-03-03 update person_title Windsor, Ryan: Member of the Executive Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Director => Member of the Executive Committee; Chairman of the Governance Committee; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2017-08-06 delete person Dan Telford
2017-08-06 delete person Heidi Gibson
2017-08-06 delete person Miko Heddle
2017-08-06 delete phone 250.360.3307
2017-08-06 insert person Hutchinson, Keith
2017-08-06 insert person Martin Henderson
2017-08-06 insert person Steve May
2017-07-07 delete partner Sidney Senior Care
2017-07-07 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2017-07-07 insert phone 1.844.815.6132
2017-07-07 update person_title David Howe: Member of the CRD Board; Vice Chair; Acting Board Chair => Vice Chair
2017-07-07 update person_title Desjardins, Barbara: Member of the Executive Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Member of the Finance Committee; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Member of the Executive Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Member of the Finance Committee; Member of Transportation Committee; Ex Officio; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2017-07-07 update person_title McIntyre, Wayne: Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman of Transportation Committee; Director / Chair ); Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2017-05-21 insert otherexecutives Murdock, Dean
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-21 delete person Amber Genero
2017-05-21 delete person Chris Grelson
2017-05-21 delete person Courtney MacMurchy
2017-05-21 delete person Diana Lokken
2017-05-21 delete person Joshua Frederick
2017-05-21 delete person Malcolm Cowley
2017-05-21 delete person Rajat Sharma
2017-05-21 delete person Rianna Lachance
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.360.3010
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.360.3011
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.360.3036
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.360.3066
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.360.3097
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.360.3138
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.386.7927
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.479.0302
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.655.2184
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.655.2191
2017-05-21 delete phone 250.883.1944
2017-05-21 insert person Amber Donaldson
2017-05-21 insert person Dan Telford
2017-05-21 insert person Murdock, Dean
2017-05-21 insert person Patricia Lee
2017-05-21 insert person Rachael Tancock
2017-05-21 insert phone 250.360.3064
2017-05-21 insert phone 250.360.3120
2017-05-21 insert phone 250.655.2178
2017-05-21 insert phone 250.889.0242
2017-05-21 update person_description Nelson Chan => Nelson Chan
2017-05-21 update person_title Alto, Marianne: Member of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director => Chairman of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director
2017-05-21 update person_title Brent Reems: Member of the CRD Board; Corporate Officer; Senior Manager, Legislative & Information Services => Member of the CRD Board; Senior Manager, Legislative & Corporate Services; Corporate Officer
2017-05-21 update person_title David Howe: Vice Chair => Member of the CRD Board; Vice Chair; Acting Board Chair
2017-05-21 update person_title Hannah Nawroth: Assistant Community Recreation Coordinator ( Youth Programs ); Special Events Assistant => Assistant Community Recreation Coordinator ( Youth Programs )
2017-05-21 update person_title June Klassen: Manager, Service Delivery, Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area => Manager, Service Delivery, Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area; Manager, Service Delivery, SGI Electoral Area
2017-03-22 insert otherexecutives Brent Reems
2017-03-22 delete person Dixon, Ted
2017-03-22 insert person Risvold, Dale
2017-03-22 update person_description Brent Reems => Brent Reems
2017-03-22 update person_description Diana Lokken => Diana Lokken
2017-03-22 update person_description Nelson Chan => Nelson Chan
2017-03-22 update person_title Brent Reems: Member of the CRD Board; Senior Manager, Legislative & Information Services => Member of the CRD Board; Corporate Officer; Senior Manager, Legislative & Information Services
2017-03-22 update person_title Desjardins, Barbara: Member of the Executive Committee; Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Ex Officio; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee => Member of the Executive Committee; Director / Vice Chair ); Chairman of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2017-03-22 update person_title Diana Lokken: General Manager of Technology and Initiatives; General Manager => General Manager of Real Estate, Facilities & Initiatives; General Manager
2017-02-03 update person_title Alto, Marianne: Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Vice Chair of the Governance Committee; Director => Member of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director
2017-02-03 update person_title Brice, Susan: Member of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director => Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Member of the Finance Committee; Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2017-02-03 update person_title Hamilton, Carol: Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director => Chairman of Board, Committees; Member of the Finance Committee; Director / Chair ); Director; Member of the Governance Committee
2017-02-03 update person_title Jensen, Nils: Member of Board, Committees; Director => Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Vice Chair of the Governance Committee; Director
2017-02-03 update person_title Windsor, Ryan: Member of the Executive Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Director / Vice Chair ); Vice Chair of Board, Committees; Director => Member of the Executive Committee; Member of Board, Committees; Director
2017-01-06 delete partner Panago Pizza, Sidney, BC
2017-01-06 delete partner Peninsula News Review
2017-01-06 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2017-01-06 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2017-01-06 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2017-01-06 insert person Michael Barnes
2016-11-21 delete person Diana Vanmoerkerke
2016-11-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2016-11-21 insert person Jennifer Grelson
2016-11-21 update person_title Melanie Alsdorf: Acting Manager of Program Services => Manager of Program Services
2016-10-24 delete person Shelley Travis
2016-10-24 insert person Diana Vanmoerkerke
2016-10-24 insert person Sooke Hills
2016-09-26 insert cfo Nelson Chan
2016-09-26 delete person Stephen Kwan
2016-09-26 delete phone 250.642.5919
2016-09-26 insert person Amber Genero
2016-09-26 insert person Cathy Watts
2016-09-26 insert person Nelson Chan
2016-09-26 insert person Rianna Lachance
2016-09-26 insert phone 250.216.2333
2016-09-26 insert phone 250.360.3035
2016-09-26 insert phone 250.360.3138
2016-09-26 insert phone 250.360.3645
2016-09-26 update person_title Miko Heddle: Aquatic Coordinator => Assistant Aquatic Coordinator
2016-08-29 delete email
2016-08-29 delete person Erin Layfield
2016-08-29 update person_title Hannah Nawroth: Assistant Community Recreation Coordinator ( Youth Programs ) => Assistant Community Recreation Coordinator ( Youth Programs ); Special Events Assistant
2016-07-31 delete phone 250.727.7464
2016-07-31 delete projects_pages_linkeddomain
2016-07-31 insert email
2016-07-31 update person_title Diana Lokken: General Manager of Finance & Technology; General Manager => General Manager of Technology and Initiatives; General Manager
2016-07-31 update person_title Lorraine Brewster: Acting Senior Manager; Senior Manager, Panorama Recreation => Senior Manager; Senior Manager, Panorama Recreation
2016-07-03 delete person Dan Telford
2016-07-03 delete person Maurice Rachwalski
2016-07-03 delete person Thetis Lake
2016-07-03 delete phone 250.360.3030
2016-07-03 delete phone 250.360.3064
2016-07-03 insert address 1 Hartland Avenue Victoria V9E 1L7
2016-07-03 insert address 145 Vesuvius Bay Road Salt Spring Island, V8K 1K3
2016-07-03 insert address 2168 Phillips Road Sooke, V9Z 0J3
2016-07-03 insert address 479 Island Highway Victoria, V9B 1H7
2016-07-03 insert address 490 Atkins Avenue Victoria, BC V9B 2Z8
2016-07-03 insert address 5401 Pat Bay Highway Victoria, V9B 3S6
2016-07-03 insert address 631 Fisgard Street Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
2016-07-03 insert address Greenglade Community Centre 2151 Lannon Way Sidney BC V8L 3Z1
2016-07-03 insert address JdF Building Inspection 3 - 7450 Butler Road Sooke, V9Z 1N1
2016-07-03 insert address Panorama Recreation Centre 1885 Forest Park Drive North Saanich, BC V8L 4A3
2016-07-03 insert address SGI Building Inspection PO Box 1000, 625 Fisgard Street Victoria, V8W 2S6
2016-07-03 insert address SSI Building Inspection 206-118 Fulford-Ganges Road Salt Spring Island, V8K 2S4
2016-07-03 insert person Ian Jesney
2016-07-03 insert person Joshua Frederick
2016-07-03 insert phone 1.800.663.4425
2016-07-03 insert phone 1.866.475.1581
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.360.3097
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.360.3230
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.360.3275
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.385.4399
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.388.6422
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.474.9502
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.478.0624
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.537.2711
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.642.8104
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.656.7055
2016-07-03 insert phone 250.727.3331
2016-07-03 update person_title June Klassen: Manager, Local Area Planning => Manager, Service Delivery, Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area
2016-07-03 update person_title Lorraine Brewster: Acting Senior Manager; Acting Senior Manager, Panorama Recreation => Acting Senior Manager; Senior Manager, Panorama Recreation
2016-07-03 update person_title Malcolm Cowley: Acting Senior Manager, Infrastructure Engineering => Manager, Wastewater Engineering and Planning
2016-04-29 delete person Cathy Watts
2016-04-29 delete source_ip
2016-04-29 insert person Stephen Kwan
2016-04-29 insert person Thetis Lake
2016-04-29 insert source_ip
2016-04-29 update person_title Chris Grelson: Senior Manager, Risk, Property & Facility Management => Senior Manager, Risk Insurance & Facility Management
2016-04-29 update person_title Miko Heddle: Aquatic Program Assistant => Aquatic Coordinator
2016-04-29 update robots_txt_status 0 => 200
2016-04-01 delete phone 250.360.3069
2016-04-01 delete phone 250.360.3129
2016-04-01 insert phone 250.360.3128
2016-02-12 delete person Peter Sparanese
2016-02-12 insert person Malcolm Cowley
2016-02-12 insert person Matthew McCrank
2016-02-12 insert phone 250.360.3066
2016-01-14 delete person Albert Sweetnam
2016-01-14 delete person Sonia Santarossa
2016-01-14 delete phone 250.216.2333
2016-01-14 delete phone 250.360.3624
2016-01-14 insert person Brent Reems
2016-01-14 insert person Erin Layfield
2016-01-14 insert phone 250.642.5919
2016-01-14 insert phone 250.655.2192
2016-01-14 insert phone 250.812.2782
2015-11-06 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-06 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-06 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-06 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-06 delete person Jen Poitras
2015-11-06 delete projects_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-06 delete service_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-06 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-06 insert person Jason Gray
2015-11-06 insert person John Reilly
2015-11-06 insert phone 250.360.3108
2015-09-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-09-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-14 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-14 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-14 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-14 delete person Henry Kamphof
2015-08-14 delete person Peter Ensor
2015-08-14 delete phone 250.360.3001
2015-08-14 delete phone 250.360.3137
2015-08-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-14 insert person Courtney MacMurchy
2015-08-14 insert person Shawn Carby
2015-08-14 insert phone 250.360.3186
2015-08-14 insert phone 250.655.2174
2015-08-14 insert phone 250.655.2191
2015-08-14 update person_title Christine Culham: Senior Manager, Capital Region Housing Corporation => Senior Manager, Regional Housing
2015-08-14 update person_title Robert Gutierrez: Senior Manager, Building Inspection => Manager, Building Inspection
2015-07-14 delete person Dustin Ray-Wilks
2015-07-14 delete phone 250.474.9601
2015-07-14 delete phone 250.655.2178
2015-07-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-07-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-07-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-07-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-07-14 insert person Jen Poitras
2015-07-14 insert phone 250.474.9600
2015-07-14 update person_title Martine King: Assistant Community Recreation Coordinator ( Adult Programs ) => Arena Coordinator
2015-07-14 update person_title Melanie Alsdorf: Community Recreation Coordinator ( Youth Programs ); Acting Manager of Program Services => Acting Manager of Program Services
2015-07-14 update person_title Robert Lapham: Chief Administrative Officer; Board Chair, Nils Jensen; CAO => Chief Administrative Officer; CAO
2015-05-18 delete person Travis Whiting
2015-05-18 delete phone 250.360.3186
2015-05-18 insert person Peter Ensor
2015-05-18 insert phone 250.360.3137
2015-05-18 update person_title Robert Lapham: Chief Administrative Officer; CAO; Board Chair, Alastair Bryson => Chief Administrative Officer; Board Chair, Nils Jensen; CAO
2015-04-20 delete person Ian Hennigar
2015-04-20 delete phone 250.655.2174
2015-04-20 update person_title Lorraine Brewster: Manager of Program Services => Acting Senior Manager; Acting Senior Manager, Panorama Recreation
2015-04-20 update person_title Melanie Alsdorf: Community Recreation Coordinator ( Youth Programs ) => Community Recreation Coordinator ( Youth Programs ); Acting Manager of Program Services
2015-02-20 delete phone 250.361.0222
2015-01-23 insert person Hannah Nawroth
2015-01-23 insert person Miko Heddle
2015-01-23 update person_title Cathy Watts: Aquatic Program Assistant; Aquatic Coordinator => Aquatic Coordinator
2014-12-18 update website_status FailedRobotsLimitReached => OK
2014-12-18 delete person Bev Crooks
2014-12-18 delete person Claire Erdem
2014-12-18 delete person Dan Ovington
2014-12-18 delete person Heather Johns
2014-12-18 delete person Kerry Broome
2014-12-18 delete person Ron Rieberger
2014-12-18 delete person Tim Tanton
2014-12-18 delete person Wendal Milne
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.0514.8400
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.361.0217
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.474.9611
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.478.5541
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.478.9449
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.516.7195
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.544.0668
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.656-8700
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.656.4201
2014-12-18 delete phone 250.658.6558
2014-12-18 insert person Brett Wicker
2014-12-18 insert person John Goodwin
2014-12-18 insert person Kevin Lorette
2014-12-18 insert person Lorraine Brewster
2014-12-18 insert person Shannon Asdal
2014-12-18 insert person Val Leigh-Dorin
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.216.2333
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.216.5802
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.361.0216
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.361.0222
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.474.9630
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.478.5999
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.514.1439
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.655.5451
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.812.4146
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.857-0839
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.882.5481
2014-12-18 insert phone 250.885.8539
2014-12-18 insert projects_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-18 insert projects_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-18 update person_title Cathy Watts: Aquatic Program Assistant => Aquatic Program Assistant; Aquatic Coordinator
2014-12-18 update person_title Peter Sparanese: Senior Manager, Infrastructure Operations => Senior Manager, Infrastructure Engineering and Operations
2014-08-28 update website_status FailedRobots => FailedRobotsLimitReached
2014-04-25 update website_status OK => FailedRobots
2014-03-28 insert phone 250.388.1690
2014-02-28 delete person Stewart Irwin
2014-02-28 delete phone 250.474.9603
2014-02-28 update person_title Sonia Santarossa: Manager, Legislative Services => Senior Manager, Legislative & Information Services
2014-02-28 update robots_txt_status 403 => 404
2014-01-22 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2014-01-13 update website_status FailedRobots => FlippedRobots
2014-01-10 update website_status FlippedRobots => FailedRobots
2013-12-31 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2013-06-28 update website_status DNSError => OK
2013-05-26 update website_status FlippedRobotsTxt => DNSError
2013-05-22 update website_status OK => FlippedRobotsTxt