WENCKEBACH - Key Persons

Caspar Wenckebach

Caspar Wenckebach has been working as an attorney both in the Netherlands and the USA (Silicon Valley) and represents leading and established companies such as Nokia, Cisco Systems and Wipro in the ICT sector and Mitsubishi in the Technology sector.

Gerben den Hertog

Gerben den Hertog is a corporate transaction lawyer focussing on legal issues that are important to businesses. He provides high-end legal expertise combined with a personal, practical hands-on and result-driven commercial approach. Gerben has extensive experience in M&A transactions and corporate law.

Reinier Bax

Reinier Bax has broad experience with mergers and acquisitions and other corporate transactions such as the setting up of joint ventures and structuring of investments. He is a smart lawyer and negotiator with a profound understanding of the client's needs.