MARK STINSON - Key Persons

Art Morelli

Job Titles:
  • Chief Business Officer & Pharma Leader
"Mark was an incredible asset to support our growing company's branding and strategic efforts. He brought clear structure in the idea-to-action process, with a lot of communication and tracking toward execution and results. Mark is a positive, active listener who can steer discussions toward the right direction. He is truly invested in his clients' success."

Chandra Mohan

Job Titles:
  • Senior Manager of Technical Marketing
"Mark and his team really had a solid process for how they would approach the advertising and communication challenges of our brand. I have recommended Mark to others by positioning him as someone with an immense creative mind, but who also can be very focused and purposeful. Mark is a diligent ally to have on your team and brings many impactful ideas to the table. Mark also has a number of useful processes to find information when a situation is murky, which is very common. I highly recommend Mark."

Danilo Fratangelo

Job Titles:
  • Agency Executive Managing Director

Dave Duff

Job Titles:
  • Medical Communications Professional & Entrepreneur

Dennis Burke

Job Titles:
  • GM of Pharma & Medical Device Sales & Marketing

Elsa MacDonald

Job Titles:
  • National Marketing Director

Flavio Canelas

Job Titles:
  • Chief Officer at Arteria Comunicação
"Mark is one of the most diverse and multifaceted businessmen that I have encountered. His ability to engage people at every level as I've worked with him in many capacities has gained my respect and admiration. Mark is a rare find, because he has the ability to get strong accountability, but not making you feel intimidated at the same time. I would recommend Mark to almost every group."

Jed Weiner

Job Titles:
  • Healthcare Storyteller, Strategist, & Writer
"Mark has successfully put into practice this signature tool to help manage the complexity of the branding process by finding the intricate balance of all the brand attributes to maximize the effect. Mark's style in facilitating ForwardFast workshops is engaging and exceptionally insightful. ForwardFast is my go-to tool in providing leadership to clients to implement brand strategies for multichannel campaigns - from creative inception, market research validation, through to final tactical execution."

Jerry Henley

Job Titles:
  • Marketing, Sales, & Capital Investment Executive
"The strategic process at most agencies looks like a black box. It can be frustrating for clients to work through this process with their agency because the process isn't clear and the results aren't always consistent. Working with Mark was a different experience altogether. I always appreciated the tools he developed and refined to bring clarity to the strategic process. They allow for everyone to speak a common language and ultimately lead to stronger collaborations."

Jim Giuffre

Job Titles:
  • Healthcare Executive, Investor, & Consultant
"Mark delivers Persuasion through Process. He is methodical in his approach, so he persuades people to understand his point of view in a very focused and yet, pleasant way. Writing needs discipline and ideas - he has both in plenty."

Juli Cavnar

Job Titles:
  • Strategic & Creative Marketing Agency Leader
"His book and a presentation are still fresh in my mind. As a member of the marketing team at MilliporeSigma, I have worked with Mark on many occasions and have attended his national and international presentations in Asia. His teachings helped improve sales in our Asia-Pacific markets. His style is very interactive and generates curiosity in mind of his audience."

Kathleen Pendlay

Job Titles:
  • Senior Brand Designer
"Mark was great to collaborate with us due to his extensive, deep knowledge in the pharma industry - and a splendorous strategic way of thinking. I recommend Mark to anyone who's facing pharma marketing challenges, if you are looking for one of the best problem-solvers I've worked with. And somebody who does so through joy and lots of laughs."

Kaz Lawler

Job Titles:
  • Innovation Technologist
"Our work together goes back more than a decade. During that time, I've come to value Mark's unique combination of talent, experience, expertise and sincere desire to collaborate with others as true partners. Mark's approach of active listening and mutual respect help elicit the clients' and my best strategic thinking. I observed his deft talent at presenting several great options in such a way that the client could easily and effectively "own" the process that resulted in world-class deliverables."

Mike Walsh

Job Titles:
  • Business Development & Customer Relations Executive
"I met Mark in Brazil while he was facilitating physician qualitative research and we have partnered for a few years. His vast experience, his understanding of the healthcare market, and his innovative approaches have brought us the information and answers to the issues we need to move forward with the strategies needed to leverage our clients' businesses here at Brazil. One real benefit of working with Mark was getting to the heart of the matter of some issues that seemed to be very hard to solve."

Pamela Boulware

Job Titles:
  • Healthcare Marketer & Brand Strategist
"I have had the pleasure to work with Mark as a fellow member of the Idaho Technology Council's Tech2Market Committee. Mark has shown a gift for framing potentially complex issues in a way that is easier for the layperson to comprehend. I've appreciated his ability to organize the Tech2Market Committee. He has provided valuable structure to the committee's meetings as it moves forward to achieve its mission."

Patrick Smith

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
"From my interactions with Mark, I find him to be delightfully curious and interested in understanding a problem from all perspectives. Anyone interested in an insightful and collaborative approach would find his way of thinking refreshing."

Paul Cooperrider

Job Titles:
  • Technology Entrepreneur and Investor
"When it comes to brand strategy, there are plenty of authors and facilitators that talk a good game, but Mark Stinson helps you make it happen, and happen fast. I have watched Mark delight clients using the ForwardFast tool and have seen how effective it is in focusing the brand strategy."

Rashmi Thosar

Job Titles:
  • Healthcare Branding Agency CEO
"Mark has developed a novel set of methodologies that can add value to any marketing initiative. Mark's approach is particularly effective in creatively capturing customer input in a way that helps ensure the input is both valid and relevant."

Tammy Adams Spann

Job Titles:
  • Vistage Chair & Meeting Facilitator
"Working with Mark has been fantastic. His leadership and facilitation at Confluence events created a stir and groundswell in the local innovation circles that we can do and grow and benefit the community more than we thought possible. Mark skillfully organized our discussion and helped us create new possibilities. I highly recommend Mark, his works, and his stewardship to any individual or company looking to draw out innovation and value."