Updated 25 days ago
28 Ohaupo Road, Hamilton PO Box 972, Waikato Mail Centre
Braemar hospital is a modern surgical facility offering some of the most advanced and complex procedures you or your whānau might need. Our specialists are among New Zealand's best. They choose to work with Braemar because our team, technology and culture support them in making life better for every one of their patients...
Braemar is one of New Zealand's largest private hospitals. Our Hamilton campus was built in 2009 and has been constantly expanded and upgraded since. Today we offer 11 modern operating theatres where about 200 leading credentialled surgeons, physicians and anaesthetists perform minor and major elective surgeries across a wide range of specialties. The hospital will celebrate its 100 th anniversary in 2026 and is owned by the Braemar Charitable Trust which works to improve health outcomes across the entire Waikato region. A portion of all hospital fees goes back to the Trust for its charitable work
Also known as: Braemar