Gloria Graham

Formerly of Masters Kitchen Gallery, Gloria has been collaborating with Brendan & Co. as a designer for over 20 years. Gloria is a kitchen and bath cabinetry designer with AKBD certification from the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA). She has also served on the Board of Directors as VP of Communications for their South Florida and Treasure Coast Chapters. Her work has appeared on This Old House as well as Florida Design Magazine and the Palm Beach Post. She is co-author of The Complete Idiots Guide to Remodeling Your Kitchen, Illustrated as well as a free-lanced writer contributing occasionally to the Sun Sentinel in the area of kitchen design. Gloria is a member of the Blanco Design Council and is on the Advisory Board of Kitchen & Bath Business Magazine. Her website is

Linda Moore

Last but not least, the support of Linda Moore as office manager, book keeper, estimator and scheduler with 10+ years in the custom cabinet industry keeps it all running smoothly.

Trevor Collins

Trevor has been a part of the Brendan Donovan team for over 10 years. He apprenticed in his native County Cork, Ireland. Trevor acts as shop foreman and continues his responsibilities in the field by heading up our installations.