Our people ar e our bi gg est ass ets. We only hi re experien ced, cr ea ti ve, and servi ce-orie nt ed individuals who hav e the skills to ge t cus tome rs' pr oduct deli ve red on time. Our expert team of pr of essionals hav e come to ge ther to build one of the la rg est lo gistic companies in North America, and we're ready to help you... LDI is one of the fas test gr owing lo gistic pr ovide rs in the Uni ted St at es. Based in Bu ffalo, NY, the compa ny ope ra tes th rough an ev er-gr owing ne tw ork of 120+ fr eig ht br ok er ope ra tion ce nt er s and 80,000 carrier companies th roughout North America. Our job is to ma ke your supply chain tr anspor- ta tion mo re efficie nt by ar ranging and managing full truckload, LTL, rail, ai r, and oc ean fr eig ht shi p- me nts th roughout North America. We li ve by the mo tt o "No ex cuses, just gr ea t servi ce."... Lo gistic Dynamics, In corpo ra ted's mission is to pr ovide inn ova ti ve, pr actical, and top quality fr eig ht br ok er..
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