CATHERINE - Key Persons

Elijah Hood

Elijah Hood graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathmematics and dove right into his career as a statistician three years ago; however, he has been working with time series as a student intern since before college and has nine years experience in time series and statistics. His experience includes modeling and seasonal adjusting time series in X-13-ARIMA-SEATS, as well as website maintainance and programming. Elijah has experience in the following areas: Seasonal adjustment software - particularly X-12-ARIMA/X-13-ARIMA-SEATS. Statistical time series models - for forecasting and data exploration, using diagnostics and graphs to determine the best model for a series. Data Mining - collecting and analyzing large data sets for clients. After a year at the US Census Bureau, Elijah decided that moving to Catherine Hood Consulting would provide more opportunities for research and to pursue his passion for computer programming and seasonal adjustment. He particularly enjoys combining the two passions to develop web courses for Catherine Hood Consulting.

Roxanne Feldpausch

Roxanne Feldpausch has over 20 years of of experience as a statistician and 15 years of experience in time series. Her experience includes modeling time series using regARIMA models and using the models for forecasting, outlier detection, and to aid in seasonal adjustment. Roxanne has extensive experience in the following areas: Seasonal adjustment software - including a variety of packages, but particularly X-12-ARIMA/X-13-ARIMA-SEATS. Her research has led to many changes in the X-12-ARIMA software, including a F-test for determining if a series has stable seasonality that can be modeled with fixed seasonal effect regressors and determining the optimal length for sliding span with when using a SEATS seasonal adjustment. Statistical time series models - for forecasting and data exploration, using diagnostics and graphs to determine the best model for a series. Roxanne is the original designer and developer of the Windows Interface to X-12. The program was originally written in Visual Basic and later rewritten as a .NET windows based application. The application creates X-12-ARIMA input files and runs X-12-ARIMA. The application also assisted in analyzing the output by parsing the output files into a readable table-based format. Roxanne also developed Excel macros to aid in using X-12-ARIMA and visualizing data. Roxanne also has extensive experience in developing time series applications in SAS. Roxanne also has a passion for developing software that is intuitive and user-friendly. Like Catherine, Roxanne enjoys teaching time series modeling and seasonal adjustment to technical and nontechnical audiences. Before moving to Austin with her family, Roxanne worked for the U.S. Census Bureau for 9 years. In Austin, she worked for URS (formerly known as United Research Services) as a statistical consultant for a variety of environmental issues. After taking a year sabbatical to care for her children, she is happy to be working at Catherine Hood Consulting.